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Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Free 5 minute AB workout at home
Hey everyone,
I put together a quick 5 minute Ab workout for women and men. You can do this routine at home and it requires no equipment. This routine is for everyone beginners, intermediates and advanced trainees. Follow along by clicking the link below. Just remember you could do 1,000 of crunches but if your nutrition is not 100% on point you will never have a nice stomach. Abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym! 80% of what you see in the mirror is based off your nutritional habits. You can do this routine 2-4x per week and the best part all it takes is 5 minutes! No excuses get down and follow along right now!!!!!!
Click this link to start ab training =============================
Thank You!!!
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Anthony Bevilacqua
Personal Trainer/Nutrition Consultant
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Saturday, March 9, 2013
Bodybuilding Arm Workout
I filmed my 3rd arm session this week in my home gym...check it out and let me know what you think!
Arm Home Workout and Routine
Arm Home Workout and Routine
Friday, March 8, 2013
Bodybuilding Workout Chest and Biceps
3/8 Chest/Biceps/Forearms
DB Bench 3 sets x 10
Decline Press 2 sets 225 x 10
Incline DB Press 2 sets 90 x 10,10,9
Cable Crossovers 2 sets 40x15
Pec Deck 2 x15,15
Concentration Curls 4sets 30 x12
Ant Curls 4 sets 40x8
Scott Hammer Curls 2 sets 40x10
Scott Hammer curls 1 sets w/ Fatgripz 25x12
Wrist curls
Cybex Forearm Machine
Db forearm twists
I can put together an awesome routine for anyone based all around their goals
Check out my website for more info
DB Bench 3 sets x 10
Decline Press 2 sets 225 x 10
Incline DB Press 2 sets 90 x 10,10,9
Cable Crossovers 2 sets 40x15
Pec Deck 2 x15,15
Concentration Curls 4sets 30 x12
Ant Curls 4 sets 40x8
Scott Hammer Curls 2 sets 40x10
Scott Hammer curls 1 sets w/ Fatgripz 25x12
Wrist curls
Cybex Forearm Machine
Db forearm twists
I can put together an awesome routine for anyone based all around their goals
Check out my website for more info
Personal Training Client
Online client putting in work!! Great job
I now offer online personal training services...every program is tailored to your goals and body. Includes weekly check ins, program adjustments, custom meal, workout, cardio and supplement plan...Give me 110% and results are guaranteed!!
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I now offer online personal training services...every program is tailored to your goals and body. Includes weekly check ins, program adjustments, custom meal, workout, cardio and supplement plan...Give me 110% and results are guaranteed!!
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Personal Training Client
Online client putting in work!! Great job
I now offer online personal training services...every program is tailored to your goals and body. Includes weekly check ins, program adjustments, custom meal, workout, cardio and supplement plan...Give me 110% and results are guaranteed!!
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I now offer online personal training services...every program is tailored to your goals and body. Includes weekly check ins, program adjustments, custom meal, workout, cardio and supplement plan...Give me 110% and results are guaranteed!!
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Todays Workout
3/6 Shldrs/Traps/Upper Abs
Standing Military 120 x12,12
Seated Paused DB Press (2 sets x 12) 60 x 8,8
Berto Laterals 4 sets 35 x 12
Cable Rear Delt Flyes 2sets x12
DB 1 ARM Front Raise 2 setsx12
Decline CGBP 4 sets 205 x 12
Kickbacks 55x12 (4sets)
Overhead db Ext 95x15 (3sets)
Machine Crunches
Twisting Crunches
that was todays workout...for your own throughly planned customized workout visit
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Online Bodybuilding Coach
Check out my website for Online Body Transformation Training
Online Trainer Anthony Bevilacqua
or send me an email directly
Online Personal Trainer Email
Online Trainer Anthony Bevilacqua
or send me an email directly
Online Personal Trainer Email
Monday, March 4, 2013
No excuses!
One of the best quotes I have ever heard! How bad do you want a better body? How bad do you want to get rid of the extra love handles? How bad do you want bigger arms? Dig down deep and find that drive then come up with a plan and go out and attack your goal full force! Don't live life with excuses!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Why Guys fail to gain muscle weight and size
Why Guys fail to gain weight?
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Best Bicep Exercise for Growth
Nothing will turn your pea shooters into guns like this bicep exercise!
Bicep Exercises for Growth
Visit For more info
Bicep Exercises for Growth
Visit For more info
How to avoid the Flu
As most of you know I have been down and out all week with the flu and boy it is as bad as they say it is. This is perfect for this weeks newsletter, I would like to talk about flu prevention! You can not stop the flu virus from hitting you but you can take plenty of precautions to slow the flu down and get over it much faster. The first preventative method is pretty obvious, make sure you wash your hands immediately after every workout. The gym is full of all different types of germs and bacteria, so avoid touching your face while in the gym. A second preventative method is eat a sound diet. Eating properly has many great effects for your body but all that aside, eating a diet full of fruits and vegetables will build a strong immune system which will keep you strong! Two staples of my diet are green tea and sweet potatoes both are prime for fighting the flu virus. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants which help fight off bad cells in the body. I recommend at least One glass per day (please keep in mind that green tea contains caffeine, so if your sensitive to caffeine look for decaffeinated). Sweet potatoes are another great food, sweet potatoes are loaded with Vitamin A which help fight off free radicals in the body also! These free radicals cause harm to our body and causes us to get sick. The third preventatives is exercise. Exercising regularly builds a strong immune system. Exercise can help to fight many other different types of sickness. Living a healthy lifestyle has so many other benefits other then just looking good! Despite living a healthy life there is still a chance that you can still get the flu. If you happen to get flu remember to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of liquids, its very easy to get dehydrated while being sick.
Until Next week
Stick to your goals,
Recipe of the Week:
Blueberry Medley
1 serving of Frozen Blueberries
1 packet of non calorie sweetener of your choice (I recommend Truvia)
1 tbsp Apple Pie Spice *Optional*
Place frozen blueberries into a bowl. Add splenda and apple pie spice and serve cold!
Video of the Week
What to eat after the gym
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How to determine how many calories you need
Hello everyone,
So little update first, I finished the little home gym I set up. Now I will be able to do some detailed workout demonstrations and other cool new videos! I already filmed a couple but here are the first two:
Hope you all enjoyed that little video! I also wrote a article on my site about the importance of fishoil to help speed up body composition change. You can find that here:
So for this newsletter I want to discuss how many calories do you need per day to lose weight? This one of those questions I get often, so here is a general way to figure it out. Again you need to remember that every person is different and that the answer you come up with here might not be 100% accurate but it is a good estimated start.
Step 1: You need to first calculate your Bodies resting calorie burn can find that here
Step 2: You need to figure out your activity level, basically how you would classify your daily day of activity...choose 1 below
Sedentary (desk job) 1.2
Moderately active (workout 1-3x per week) 1.4
Active (4-5 workout per week) 1.7
Very Active (Job that is not sedentary such as a mailman or construction worker and works out 4or more times per week) 1.9
Step 3: Multiply your BMR from step 1 with your activity level from Step 2
Step 4: In order to lose about 1lb of pure body fat subtract 500 from the number from step 3
Thats it...thats how simple it is to figure out how many calories you would need to lose body fat
Heres Myself for example
Step 1: 2050 calories burned per day
Step 2: Activity Level 1.7
Step 3: 2050 x 1.7= 3485 or round up to 3500
Step 4: 3500-500= about 3000 calories per day to lose 1lb of fat!
These numbers can be tweaked to each individual
AND PS for my clients....I do this all for you and customize it further ;)
Hope you found that informative and that it answered some of your goals! Please remember to share my page so we can grow my newsletter and my new site. The more it grows the more info I can pass along to you guys!!!
Thank you everyone...I will leave you all with a quote to motivate you
"A great physique is 60% training and 80% diet. Yes that adds up to 140%, because that's what you should be giving it. Change the inside, and the physique will follow".
Until Next week
Stick to your goals,
Client Highlight of the week
Male Client: An older gentlemen that I train (61years old) squatted 225lbs for multiple reps breaking parallel each rep! Not bad young man!
Female Client: The same one I spoke about last week who dropped 2.5% bodyfat last week...she dropped an addition 1% this week! 80% of what you see in the mirror is based off what your eating...just goes to show you that!
Recipe of the Week
AntBev's Healthy Taco Recipe
4oz Turkey Ground Meat (99% fat free)
1 Whole Wheat Tortilla
1-2 slices of Fat Free Cheese
Lettuce and Tomato
Salsa to taste
Brown the Turkey in non stick pan
Add basic taco seasoning
Once turkey is seasoned serve over tortilla
This meal contains
280 Calories
4g of Fat
27g of Carbs
32g of Protein
For a male adjust the portion..double the carbs in recipe depending on your goals
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Hello Everyone,
I want to first take the time out to say thank you for joining my newsletter. I will be doing this newsletter weekly so your feedback is greatly appreciated! So its the third week of January and where are you with your new years resolutions? This is the point where I see people drop off. I really urge you to STICK WITH IT! Remember bodyfat is hard to lose as your body does not want to get rid of fat. Fat is an easy tissue for your body to maintain. Its in fact that its harder for your body to maintain being lean. Remember 80% of what we see in the mirror is based off your nutritional habits so if your not happy with the way you look you really need to reevaluate your daily day of eating. If you set a goal to lose 20lbs and you have not lost that 20lbs yet, do not get discouraged. You are constantly fighting your body, this is a fight I can help you win! The point of making a resolution is to take yourself to the next level, giving up would not bring you to that next level. So whatever your doing to help you get to your goals....STICK IT OUT...You can do it, I believe in each and every one of you! Thank you all for signing up for my newsletter please remind share my info with others so my site grows and I can help more and more people achieve their goals! Sign up for the newsletter here:
Stick to your goals,
PS. I set up a little home gym and it should be done by this weekend so be on the look out for some youtube instructional exercise videos!
Client Highlight of the Week
One female client managed to lose 2.5% bodyfat this week alone! She had a great week of sticking to her diet and her workout plan. Congrats to you (you know who you are!) Looking forward to next week!
One of my male clients hit a new Personal Record on Bench Press. He hit a solid 355lbs for a new One Rep Max. Good work buddy, your going to be sore tomorrow!
Recipe of the Week
Anthony’s Homemade Chinese Food
Brown Rice (use the amount given in your plan) Grilled Chicken (use the amount given in your plan) 1⁄2 cup Broccoli
2-3 tbsp Garlic Powder
2-3 tbsp Soy Sauce
1 packet of non calorie sweetener of your choice (I recommend Truvia)
2 Egg Whites
Heat a pan and coat the pan with pam. Place the chicken and the broccoli in the pan until chicken is brown. Add brown rice and mix. Add Garlic powder, truvia and 2 egg whites. Mix everything together until the egg whites are cooked then add Soy Sauce and serve!
Interested in Online Personal Training
The Best Natural Fat Burner: L-Carnitine
The Best Natural Fat Burner: L-Carnitine
L-Carnitine is one of the best natural fat burning supplements to take....L-Carnitine basically transfers the long chain fatty acids into the mitocondria (powerhouse) of the in simple terms it uses stored fat for energy! When dieting it also reduces the effect of hunger (which can kill most diets)...Scientists have been studying L-Carnitine since 1937 and it has proven to have a positive effect on weight loss and health...You should take between 2000mg-4000mg 10 minutes before Meal 1 and Before Workout.
Importance of BCAA while Dieting
The Importance of Branch Chain Amino Acids While Dieting
A Key Supplement for Getting Lean and Gaining Muscle
What are Branch Chain Amino Acids?
Branch Chain Amino Acids are the "Building Blocks" of the body. They make up about 35% of your muscle mass and must be present for molecular growth and development to take place. There are 22 total amino acids which are divided into two groups, essential amino acids (which can not be manufactured by the body) and Non-essential amino acids (which can be made by the body). For the main concern of this article I will be speaking about the Branch Chain Amino acids or BCAA’s as they are referred to. The branched chain amino acids are Valine, Leucine, and Iso-leucine. The BCAA’s make up approximately 1/3 of muscle protein. BCAA's reduce muscle fatigue, speed recovery, decrease the loss of other amino acids from muscle during exercise and help the body absorb protein. A deficiency in any one of these Aminos will cause muscle loss. Unlike other amino acids, BCAA's are made in the muscle and not the liver.
What do BCAA’s do?
Whenever we lift a weight we cause damage to the muscles. Since BCAA make up about 1/3 of the muscle proteins, we can only conclude that when we exercise we break down these BCAA. We get out BCAA’s through diet but extra supplementation may be necessary. When our body senses BCAA in our blood stream it stops the breakdown of muscle and switches the body into grow mode! BCAA’s tell our body that we have significant amount of amino acids in order to build or maintain muscle, stop breaking down other muscle tissues. By taking a BCAA supplement prior to and immediately after exercise we give our muscles plenty of branch chain amino acids to use thus sparring addition muscle tissue from being broken down.
Why is this important if you are trying to lose weight?
Branch Chain Amino Acids are definitely a must when it comes to losing weight. They help to retain muscle mass which in turn leads to a greater decrease in muscle loss. The more muscle our bodies have the faster our metabolism will be. So if we maintain or even gain muscle we increase our resting metabolism which will lead to a greater fat burning capability.
Do BCAA provide any other benefit?
Sure, studies have shown that they help to stimulate protein synthesis (help the body make new proteins), decrease fatigue, helps to form other amino acids, and help to increase energy. Along with all the benefits I have listed it also has been known to reduce hunger while dieting due to the amino acid leucine. Leucine triggers insulin in your body causing your body to think it is satisfied and not hungry!
How to take BCAA’s? Which product do you recommend?
You can take BCAA many ways. It mainly depends on your goals. When mass building I suggest taking 5g in the morning as soon as you wake up, 5g PreWorkout, 5g During Workout, 10g Postworkout and 5g before bed. When on a more calorie restricted diet I suggest spacing them out throughout the day (view a sample of my day below)
Here is how I recommend taking your BCAA’s while on a lower calorie diet:
6am Wake up - 5g BCAA with breakfast
9am - 5g BCAA
11:30am PreWorkout Meal - 5g BCAA
1:30-2pm - 10g BCAA with post workout meal
3:30pm - 5g BCAA
5pm - Meal 4
8pm - 5g BCAA
9-10pm - Meal 5
12am before bed - 5g BCAA
3am - Meal 6 with 5g BCAA
6am repeat cycle
Any type of BCAA product is fine as long as it has a 2:1:1 ratio of Branched Chain Amino Acids (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine).
-Norton, L. (2005) soon to be published data, will add reference when the journal article is published.
Why Women should Lift Weights?
Why Women Should Lift Weights
How many women reading this right now are frustrated with the way they look? How many of you are doing hours of cardio and starving yourselves to be skinny? Well what if I told you there was an easier way to get in shape, would you believe me? Well the answer ladies is quite simple....Lift Weights!!
The problem is that too much emphasis has been on cardio and dieting for women, which the importance of lifting weights is never spoke about. Most women are under the impression that working out with weights will make them “bulky” and “man-like”. This is far from the truth! I am going to shed some light for all you women out there. There is only one thing that burns fat and that is Muscle! So what this means is that the more muscle you have on your body the more efficiently your body can burn fat! Muscles are the only metabolically active tissue in your body, and that means they require calories to work, and if that doesn’t make you smile maybe this will…the primary source of energy for your working muscles is fat!
So Ladies The more muscle you have on your body the more fat you burn, and the more calories you burn through out the day. If you have a certain amount of muscle on your body you can eat a reasonable diet without gaining weight. This is what we fitness professionals would like to call a good metabolism. A good metabolism doesn't happen by accident. I do admit genetics play a part in metabolism, but you'd be amazed how much metabolism can be affected by your life choices.
Most women are programmed to think they have to weigh a certain amount to be happy. Ladies I am telling you to get rid of that “scale mentality”. Who cares how much you weigh? The most fit and lean bodies are often considered overweight if you place them on the standard height/weight chart. Why? Because muscle is so dense that it weighs more than fat. Muscle also holds about 60% more water than fat tissue causing muscular people to weigh much more than their "skinny fat people”. What you should be most concerned about is your body fat percentage. That is what it all comes down to, your body composition.
To be lean you need to have a high percentage of muscle and a lower amount of body fat. Muscle in women deteriorates at almost every stage of their life. This is why women must workout with weights! Weight training rebuilds your lost muscle and therefore fixes and speeds up your metabolism
Still convinced you will look “Man-like” if you lift weights? There is one key hormone that causes “man-like” muscle growth and that hormone is testosterone, which women lack. So Ladies workout with weights to prevent muscle deterioration and give you the shape and curves you deserve!
Benefits of Fish Oil
What is Fishoil? Benefits of Fish oil on weight loss
I believe that Fishoil is one of the most important supplements you can purchase. There a so many different supplements out there but fish oil is by far one of the best.
So what exactly is fish oil? Well fish oil is derived from the tissue of fatty fish (such as: salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, herring, etc). Fish oil contains Omega 3 fatty acids called EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which are essential to the human bodies. When something is essential it means our bodies can not manufacture them. So Fish oil supplements come in handy for someone who does not consume enough deep water fatty fish.
The Two most important benefits of Fishoil on weight loss/muscle gain
- Decreases your body’s insulin response to food
- Aids in Muscle Protein Synthesis ( your bodies system for signaling to aid muscle)
Fish oil may help you lose fat faster! In addition to that it will also help control insulin levels in your body. Fish oil will also help you add muscle much faster. In recent research study it has been shown that taking around 3 grams of EPA and DHA per day (fish oil) helps to increase muscle protein synthesis within the muscle cells, which will help you add more muscle.
How does fish oil work?
Without getting to scientific on you fish oils or EPA/DHA play an important role on our cell membranes. Our cell membranes are made up of fat which holds transport proteins. Every cell in our body has these membranes. Our muscles and yes even our fat tissue have these membranes. Our muscles and fat tissues have satellite receptor cells which basically are doors to our cell membranes that let insulin in. The less bodyfat we have the more effective our body is at bringing insulin to our muscles for use as oppose to our fat tissues. However the opposite is also true, in a higher bodyfat leveled person (Men>15%, women>25%) their satellite cells on their muscle tissues are clogged up (inflammation makers) so our body shuttles the insulin to our fat cells, making us fatter! This is where fishoil comes in to play, fish oil basically helps the satellite cells on the muscle tissue to suck up more insulin. Helping us to shed the unwanted fat!
So do you need to take fish oil?
No, you do not HAVE to take fish oil. You do not have to take any supplements. Supplements are meant to supplement what your missing from your diet. You do not have to buy any supplements to lose weight or gain muscle. People have been changing their body composition long before supplements even existed.
How much do I recommend?
I recommend 3g of Fish oil per day. Supplement form that would equal to about three 1,000mg capsules per day. If you did not want to use supplements you would need about 6-8oz of wild salmon per day.
Other benefits of Fish Oil
- Promotes heart health
- Protects against cancer
- Improves Mental health
- Reduces pain and inflammation
- Reduces blood triglyceride levels
- Smoothes skin
"Who says you can not go out to eat and stay on your meal plan? Be smart when eating out avoid things that are fried or cooked in oil and try to keep the fat as low as you can! Another trick I like to do is look up the nutrition facts of the place I will be dinning at in advanced. By doing this I will already be ahead of the game. Success is a planned event, losing weight will not happened on accident"!

Quick Dinner
20min and dinner is done...50g of Protein with less then 5g of fat in this meal.... I now offer online personal training services...every program is tailored to your goals and body. includes weekly check ins, program adjustments, custom meal, workout, cardio and supplement plan...Give me 110% and results are guaranteed!!

How to get the most out of your cardio
How many of you want to spend your valuable time in the gym doing hours upon hours of cardio to lose bodyfat? I am sure many of you are already doing 30-60 minutes of boring cardio. I have discovered a new method to do your cardio in a more effective and efficient manner, saving you all time and energy. It’s not going to be easy but I can guarantee you will burn more bodyfat this way as well as have more time for your life outside the gym, how can anyone argue with that?
The answer to all this is High Intensity Interval Cardio (HIIT)! Now you all are probably saying, “I have tried high intensity cardio and its nothing special”. Well, you haven’t done it the Ant Bev Fitness way yet! I have come up with the perfect way to perform High Intensity Interval Cardio that will progressively overload your cardio vascular system (basically improving your cardiovascular ability as well as your cardiovascular health) and burn more bodyfat.
So why is HIIT Cardio is so important:
Essentially High Intensity Interval Cardio (HIIT) does 3 things that
Regular Cardio does not
1) it keeps your metabolic rate elevated for a longer period post cardio
2) it increases your mitochondrial production (mitochondria are the organelles in the cell where fat oxidation occurs)
3) it increases the activity of the enzymes in the mitochondria.
So because of 2 & 3 you actually increase your CAPACITY to burn fat, as well as the rate at which you burn fat; even at rest
So without further adieu here is my HIIT Cardio Protocol:
Your First Cardio Session ex:
-Stretch your legs out thoroughly
-5 min warm-up on either a treadmill or elliptical
-Once you finish warming up proceed to the Recumbent Bike
-Start the bike up and set the time for 10 minutes and choose a level that is difficult but not to difficult
- Once the 10 minutes are done track the:
Calories Burned, Distance Traveled, Level, and the Average RPM
- Then perform a 5-10 minute cooldown
And that’s it!
Perform this twice a week, either on your off days or 6 hours after your weight training sessions
Now your next session of cardio you should strive to beat all those current numbers. It is really that easy. Each one of your cardio sessions will be progressive, so each cardio session builds off of the last one. This will make you strive for more during each session forcing each one of your cardio sessions to be better then the previous! So if for your first cardio session you burn 100 calories, think of how many calories you will burn 3 weeks down the line!
Pattern for Progression
You will have to progress the amount of time you will be performing your cardio.
I recommend starting with at least twice per week, Remember everyone is different (some might need more, some less, some longer, some shorter, etc) and this protocol might not work for you but use it as an example:
Week 1
10 min HIIT, 2x’s per week
Week 2
10 min HIIT, 2x’s per week
Week 3
10 min HIIT, 2x’s per week
Week 4
10 min HIIT, 2x’s per week
Week 5 (either up the amount of times per week or the amount of time but it depends on your goals)
12 min HIIT, 2x’s per week
Week 6
12 min HIIT, 2x’s per week
General Rules
-When adding time add 2 minutes at a time
- Remember if your losing weight/bodyfat you might not need to change your cardio
- Keep track of every session and do everything in your power to beat those previous numbers!!
Client Transformation of the Week
Recipe of the Week: Healthy Shrimp Scampi
3oz Whole Grain Pasta
6oz Already peeled/cooked Shrimp
Dash of Parsley Flakes
Freshly Minced Garlic (2 cloves)
Can't Believe its not Butter SPRAY BOTTLE
Put up a pot of water to a boil for the pasta.
In separate pan, cook shrimp, until its fully cooked. Take the I Can't Believe Its Not Butter SPRAY bottle and unscrew the top to pour generously on the shrimp (its important to buy the spray version since its the only version that is fat free). Place minced garlic in the pan with the shrimp and butter for about 3 minutes until the butter becomes almost translucent. Add parsley flakes, let it sit for another minute. And the shrimp is done!
Once pasta is cooked, pour the shrimp with sauce over the pasta AND ENJOY!
Fat: 4.5
Cals 460
Video of the Week
Three Exercises to Develop a Vtaper
Until Next week
Stick to your goals,
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