Hello everyone,
We'll it has been a little while since I have posted a workout. I am still training very hard and still have not broke 180lbs :( o well, this is the leanest and biggest i have ever been....With every workout i am getting increasing stronger...so i must be doing something right!
My metabolism is flying and I am so glad i decided to ease into bulking this year. School has been crazy and I have been trying to handle the workload...I have decided to jump back into competing but not bodybuilding....i have a passion for moving heavy objects and the image of me Squating over 4 plates and deadlifting 5 plates have been something i can not get rid of...so i will be doing a powerlifting meet on Dec 6th....I have to set goals for myself....in the past i have trained "blindly" and got no where....With every little goal i set and break i am one step closer to my ultimate goal
My Attempted Lifts for my meet
Bench Press 315 x 1
Deadlifts 500 x 1
Squat 455 x 1
I really set the bar high for myself but i can definately do it!
Today i trained back and did Deadlifts i got 405 for an easy 5 reps with no belt or no straps but more on that later :D