Today was a good day, not only because it is my 21st birthday but also because I finally feel appreciated for what I do. I went to the gym this morning as usual to train my usual clients and i was showered with gifts. Every single one, back to back to back. A warm feeling took over my body today a feeling of being loved for what I do. I changed these peoples lives so much that it shows in everything they do, I am so proud of each one of them for what they accomplished! Today made my job all that much more rewarding just by knowing that I made a difference in these people's lives!
So I left the gym today with an even bigger positive high! I decided to turn that positive energy into an even bigger rush to boost my workout even further today!
Heres today's Workout
Squats ATG
275 x 10 (easy easy but felt alil pain in my knee so i stopped right there)
Cybex Leg Press
12 plates per side x 11 YEAAA bUUUDDYYYYY light weightt!!!!! (i had my knees wrapped on this set)
Leg Extensions
stack + 20 x 8 reps
Glut Ham Raises (my gym does not have a machine for this so i invented my own and it worked so well)
3 sets of bodyweight to failure (these are extremely hard, watch out clients you guys are next for this!!!)
Barbell Calve Raise
225 x 12 4 sets
One Legged Calve Machine Press
150 x 15 per leg
Notes: My lowerback is tight so i decided to skip good mornings this week and play it safe on my back...I guess the older you get the more things hurt :) But other then that my hamstrings were fried!!!
Take Home Message: Despite what kind of day you have, think about all the positive things around you and use those positive thoughts to fuel your body and your mind to new levels!!!
Recipe of the Day: "Anthony's 21st Bday Cake" (now you all can have a piece)
1.5 scoops Whey Protein
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon Cinnamon
2 packets splenda
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl, add just enough water to make a light pudding.....Place in microwave for 15seconds (or until you see the "cake" start to rise) take out and let sit for 2 minutes then add
1 tablespoon Walden Farms Marshmellow Dip
1 tablespoon Walden Farms Chocolate Syrup
and enjoy!!!!!!