so as of today i am
12 weeks out from show 1
14 weeks out from show 2
16 weeks out from show 3
i really want to hit my peak at show 1 and 2
Show 3 is really for my clients to come see me, its a local show that i am going to do
Here is my progress
Weight: 186 (no change)
Bodyfat: 6% (-1%)
Notes: Overall i am breaking PR's like crazy, feeling bigger, fuller and leaner. So far I have gained 3lbs of muscle while dieting which is absolutely crazy but I have been training super hard and my diet is spot on!
Wrap Up on my Birthday Weekend
So I have gotten a lot of emails asking me "Since it's your birthday weekend will you be cheating and eating some cake". My answer to all you is NO! Right now at this point in my career I need to be as serious as I can with my nutrition. I want to go into every contest knowing that there was not one thing I could have changed to do better. I do not see getting enjoyment out of cake or ice cream when all I could taste is Victory!!!
Take Home Message:
Some times in life we have to make certain choices to either give in to temptation or to fight it. Most people find excuses to give in to temptation and they make certain rationalisation's why they can eat that slice of pizza or the extra cake. Excuses like "I diet hard all week and the weekends is where I can have my fun" or "I did extra cardio this week so my body will burn this off". I am here to tell you all no! One weekend of cheating can spoil 80% of a diet!! Take it from me, I used to make all those excuses too. It was not until I got serious about achieving results that I got rid of that mentality. I am telling you all to fight the temptation and really give your diet plan time to work and watch the changes in your body unfold!!! You won't be sorry you skipped out on the cake!
To quote Jack LaLanne:
"Two seconds on the lips, equals a lifetime on the hips!"