Monday, June 16, 2008

6/16 Upper Body Power Day

Heres todays workout

Braced DB Rows
100 x 8 reps

Rack Chins
65 x 10

DB Row on Bench (Rest Pause set)
110 x 10,6,4

Standing DB Press
70 x 5 PR

One Arm DB Laterals
60 x 12 PR

Decline Barbell Press
275 x 6 PR

Low Cable Crossovers
4 x 8

Strict DB Curls
50 x 5

Concentration Curl
40 x 8

Reverse Bench
225 x 5 PR

Overhead Cable Ext
9 x 12

Notes: I was so tired between last night and this morning. My body is asking for rest, but i managed to get myself together for my workout today. I smashed some old previous records and i am looking for more!!!

Some info on other things going on in my life:
-I plan on attending grad school for Nutrition, I think i have found a school that i like....CUNY Brooklyn College, they have an awesome Nutritional Science Program. I also looked into their exercise science program so I have to see what i like better
-I decided to put together a E-Book reguarding weightloss/musclebuilding and how to put it all together....I have not set a date on when i want to have this book published or anything, but i have started writing some chapters and I won't be anywhere near done until at least after my contest! I still have to find a company to publish my e-book online, I might even get it published into hardcover!!!!