Well its another blistering hot day in New York
Heres todays Workout
Braced Dumbbell Rows
100 x 6
Rack Chins
45 x 10
DB Row on Bench
Rest Pause on the last set
100 x 10, 6
Weighted Hangs
180lbs + Bodyweight- I have no long i was holding this for, had people watching me and i really just try and tune out their comments, my guess was for at least 50 seconds, then i paused and held for another 25 seconds so prob about 1 minute 10
Standing DB Press
65 x 8
Lateral Raise (Loose Form)
60 x 9
Decline Bench
275 x 4
Low Cable Crossover
3 x 12
Strict DB Curls
45 x 6
Reverse Grip Bench
185 x 8
Concentration Curl on Knee
35 x 8
Overhead Cable Extensions
8 x 10
Notes: Good workout, really tried to move some weight around...My tempo for this workout was all 1/0/1, Really explosive movements
I read a great article by World Famous Natural Bodybuilder Jim Cordova which he speaks about rep range and how certain rep ranges develop the muscle alittle different....he states that slow reps focus on more refinement and muscle separation while fast, explosive reps focus on pure bulk and hypertrophy
I am looking for my bulk/hypertrophy in my upperbody and will try this rep range for alittle bit
and i will use "refinement" reps for my legs, which i need to bring out more detail
This article makes plenty of sense to me because i have always trained legs explosively and they always were big and bulky, my upperbody i always trained more slower, so we will see what happens
heres the link to the article
Take Home Message: Never stop learning about your body, put different methods to use and see which ones work best for you!
Until next time! Eat well!