Tuesday, June 3, 2008

6/3 LEg Day!!!

Today was Leg day and i was totally in the zone for it....Last night as i lie down to go to sleep i visualized todays workout, every motion of it.....I can not even begin to tell you how much i was amped up for it!!!
Today was another 12 hour day for me and i knew it was going to be tough to get myself going for my workout, but i knew that when i get on stage i have to know that i worked harder then every other guy on that stage!!! I woke up extra early today to get in my 30 minutes Low Intensity Cardio. I wanted to make sure that i got my cardio done before i started my day!

Todays Workout

One-Legged Leg Press
3 plates per side x 8 reps

Leg Extensions
Stack + 20lbs x 10

Glut Ham Raise
BW X 4 reps

Seated Leg Curl
130 x 10

One Legged-Machine Calve Raise
250 x 15

One Legged Machine Raise
170 x 12

thats pretty much it.....i switched over to a lot of single leg stuff just for a change

Take Home Message: Everyone makes excuses why they can't get to the gym or why they can not diet alittle harder, but when you ignore those excuses and make time for something you will benefit!! "Success is a planned event" If you dont plan for your day, your just planning to fail

Good Luck to you all
check out this link, i am on the Gold's Gym Website :D