Tuesday, June 24, 2008

6/24 Leg Refinement Day

so this morning before work i decided to send out my entry form for my first bodybuilding contest of this season. Let me tell you i had an amazing workout session today because of it! My intensity was way up! Today was more of a refinement day for my legs, i have plenty of leg mass but now i must work on seperation and more detail

Todays Workout:
Rectus Femoris Cable Lift
40 for 10 reps

Leg Press with Legs Flared
4 plates per side for 12 reps

Leg Press with Feet Close in
5 plates for 12 reps

Barbell Stifflegged Dead lifts
225lbs for 12 reps

Glut Ham Raises
bw for 11 reps (this was tough after doing stifflegged deadlifts)

Standing Calve Raises Strip Set
3 sets of 300lbs for 15 reps cut to 200lbs for 15 reps cut to 100 for 15 reps

Followed by 30 min Low Intensity Cardio
Burning 241 calories

Then followed by 15 minutes posing practice

As i sit here and write this my legs are pulsing.....but i can definately see more lines coming in!!!

Todays Quote:

"Cause sometimes you feel tired, feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up, But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength and just pull it out of you and get that motivation to not give up and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.......I will not fall, I will stand tall, Feels like no one could beat me"
-Till I Collapse-Eminem

BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!