10-21-2008 Calves, Cardio
The Workout
5 min warmup
Seated Calve Raises- 2 sets of 200lbs for 20 reps
Leg Press Calve Raises- 2 sets of 390 for 20 reps
Cardio 25 min Low Intensity
Pro: 300g
Carbs: 335g
Fat: 60g
Current Supplements
-Creatine -5g
-Xtend (1 scoop PreWO, 2 scoops PWO & 1 scoop btwn meals)
-ALA- 300mg before and after workout
-VasoCharge 2 Scoops Pre-Workout
-Beta-Alanine- 3 grams daily
-Glucosamine- 3 tablets daily
-Fish Oil- 3 tablets daily
-Calcium, Magnesium & Zinc
Intensity Level
My calf workout today was money....hard heavy and fast....4 sets total but definately stimulated some growth....intensity level is a 9 for todays workout!
as a side note here is an interesting article