Saturday, March 2, 2013

How to determine how many calories you need

Hello everyone, So little update first, I finished the little home gym I set up. Now I will be able to do some detailed workout demonstrations and other cool new videos! I already filmed a couple but here are the first two: Hope you all enjoyed that little video! I also wrote a article on my site about the importance of fishoil to help speed up body composition change. You can find that here: So for this newsletter I want to discuss how many calories do you need per day to lose weight? This one of those questions I get often, so here is a general way to figure it out. Again you need to remember that every person is different and that the answer you come up with here might not be 100% accurate but it is a good estimated start. Step 1: You need to first calculate your Bodies resting calorie burn can find that here Step 2: You need to figure out your activity level, basically how you would classify your daily day of activity...choose 1 below Sedentary (desk job) 1.2 Moderately active (workout 1-3x per week) 1.4 Active (4-5 workout per week) 1.7 Very Active (Job that is not sedentary such as a mailman or construction worker and works out 4or more times per week) 1.9 Step 3: Multiply your BMR from step 1 with your activity level from Step 2 Step 4: In order to lose about 1lb of pure body fat subtract 500 from the number from step 3 Thats it...thats how simple it is to figure out how many calories you would need to lose body fat Heres Myself for example Step 1: 2050 calories burned per day Step 2: Activity Level 1.7 Step 3: 2050 x 1.7= 3485 or round up to 3500 Step 4: 3500-500= about 3000 calories per day to lose 1lb of fat! These numbers can be tweaked to each individual AND PS for my clients....I do this all for you and customize it further ;) Hope you found that informative and that it answered some of your goals! Please remember to share my page so we can grow my newsletter and my new site. The more it grows the more info I can pass along to you guys!!! Thank you everyone...I will leave you all with a quote to motivate you "A great physique is 60% training and 80% diet. Yes that adds up to 140%, because that's what you should be giving it. Change the inside, and the physique will follow". Until Next week Stick to your goals, Anthony Client Highlight of the week Male Client: An older gentlemen that I train (61years old) squatted 225lbs for multiple reps breaking parallel each rep! Not bad young man! Female Client: The same one I spoke about last week who dropped 2.5% bodyfat last week...she dropped an addition 1% this week! 80% of what you see in the mirror is based off what your eating...just goes to show you that! Recipe of the Week AntBev's Healthy Taco Recipe 4oz Turkey Ground Meat (99% fat free) 1 Whole Wheat Tortilla 1-2 slices of Fat Free Cheese Lettuce and Tomato Salsa to taste Brown the Turkey in non stick pan Add basic taco seasoning Once turkey is seasoned serve over tortilla This meal contains 280 Calories 4g of Fat 27g of Carbs 32g of Protein For a male adjust the portion..double the carbs in recipe depending on your goals Interested in Online Personal Training