Monday, June 30, 2008

6/30 Upper Body Power Day

Today was my re-feed/Power day for Upper Body...I started taking my 3rd summer class of the year and its happens to be in the morning, so instead of working all morning i was sitting in a class room all morning......I felt rested and by the time i got home i was so ready to get some work done!!

Reverse Grip Bent Over Row
275lbs for 8 reps (Awesome squeeze at the top)

1-Arm DB Rows
115lbs for 12 reps (too easy)

50 total reps done in 4 sets!!! PR

Weighted Hangs
135lbs for 60 secs

Barbell Standing Shoulder Press
155lbs for 7 reps PR!

DB Rear Lateral Raises w/ Head on Bench
35lbs for 8 reps

Bench Press
275lbs for 5 reps

Cable Crossovers
60lbs for 10 reps

Ez-Barbell Curls
100lbs for 6 reps

Straight Barbell Curls
115lbs for 8 reps

Decline Close-grip Bench Press
225lbs for 8 reps

Overhead DB Extensions
100lbs for 8 reps

Notes: Good workout, Felt really strong today so we will see what happens

On another good note....i was chosen to be a tester for a new product called Plasmagen Nitrate by Advance Performance Supplements.....The product was just released so it should be fun to give it a try....look out for a full review of the product within the coming weeks.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

1 Year Ago Today....

We'll its been exactly 1 year ago today that i competed in my first show! I can remember that day like it was yesterday. It was almost comical the things i was doing for my "peak week".

I got to relive alittle bit of my day today by being a trainer at the same show!

It was a great experience for me....i got to understand what the judges look for more....the smells the sights everything brought a chill up my spine....It was so hard for me not to put some posing trunks on and enter myself into the contest....But i held back, I figured it be better to take in the experience of it all and just enjoy myself.....My friend did really well in his class and i was very happy with his performance.....BUT i have work i must do for myself so i am home getting ready to sleep so i can hit up my cardio extra hard tomm morning before school!! I realized that if i am going to win this I have to keep myself on point.....I managed to get in all of my meals at their appropriate times today !!!!

Well thats all I am going to update you all again on my progress tomm!!

I attached some pics of the guys i helped out

Friday, June 27, 2008

6/27 Legs + Cardio + Posing= Dead Meat!

Hey Everyone

First off i am going to comment on how spent i am from yesterday...My body is completely sore felt good

Today's workout i knew was going to be even worse

Deadlifts Standing on a platform (I preform them on the platform so i can get more leg work out of the exercise
315lbs for 10 reps

Hack Squats
3 plates per side for 8 reps

As if that wasnt hard enough

Walking Lunges supersetted with Leg Press
135lbs Lunges walking width of the gym back and forth
then immediately jumped on Leg Press 3 plates per side for 15 reps

WOW is all i can say to that superset

DB Stiff Legged Deadlift
85lb DBs fo 12 reps

Lying Leg Curl
150lbs for 10 reps

Seated Calve Raises
10 sets of 10 reps
4 plates on the machine

Followed by 10 min low intensity on the bike, 10 min light jogging, 10 min Low Intensity Cardio on Stairmaster

Followed by 15 posing


Notes: Very tough workout...looking forward to this workout next week, I think my double session yesterday made it hard for my body to function fully today....regardless i still handled good weight and got myself into the groove of things anyway

I think i am going to be spending my friday night sleeping!!!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

6/26 Back and Shoulders Round 2

so 8 hours after my first workout i find myself back in the gym for another killer hypertrophy workout

Heres what went down

Mid Trap Barbell Row
225lbs for 8 reps

Medium-Grip Cable Low Row
140lbs for 12 reps

Smith Machine Reverse Grip Bent Over Row
225lbs for 12 reps

Lat Pulldowns
150lbs for 10 reps

DB Decline Pullovers
80lbs for 15 (PR).....this was hard come the 12rep....i thought everything was going to give out but i pushed through it....YEAHHHH BUDDDYYYYY

Wide-Grip Upright Rows
135lbs for 8 reps.....dropset to just the bar for 15 reps

Angled DB Shoulder Press
75lbs for 10 reps

Machine Rear Delt Raises
115lbs for 8 reps.....i dont like this machine and will take this out of my rotation in 2 weeks

Barbell Shrugs
405lbs for 6 reps

Notes: I was getting tired about mid-way through but i paced myself splashed some water on my face....i looked around the gym at all the competitive bodybuilders and said to myself "they dont look tired" I killed everything after that

As a side note....I saw an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder that trains at my gym...hes a good friend and we have worked out before...i havent seen him in a while but i was wearing a tank top and he told me i look alot bigger and fuller then last prep....He said "You look like you put on a lot of mature muscle"So after that I was smiling all the way home!!!

Feels good to be complimented when you work so hard....especially by someone who is a professional....with that said Time to hit the shower then to bed!!!!

Goodnight everyone!

Random Shots

here are some quick pics i flashed.....keep in mind i have my lil sis taking the pics lol she just snaps the camera and i go ahead btwn poses

sometimes she takes pics of me btwn poses lol

6/26 Chest and Arms Workout #1 of the day

Hello everyone

So this Saturday I will be attending the INBF Natural Hercules in Manhattan New York, not to actually be in the show but I will be helping a friend prepare for his first show. So i am sure i will be all fired up come sunday!

Anyway due to the show being an all day event i have decided to use my re-feed day and workout a split routine today, working chest and arms in the morning followed by Shoulders and Back this evening. This leaves Saturday wide open for me, all i have to do is bring my meals with me and eat them. I will not have to worry about training

Heres my workout for This morning
Chest and Arms

Incline Cable Flye
50lbs for 12 reps

Incline DB Press
105lbs for 8 reps

Incline Chest Busters
70lbs for 7 reps

Incline DB Curls
50lbs for 6 reps

Ez-Barbell Tricep Extensions
105lbs for 12 reps

Seated Alternating DB Curls
40lbs for 12 reps

Cable V-Bar Pushdown
80lbs for 12 reps (PR)

So thats session 1, I will report back later with session #2

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

6/25 Rest/HIIT

Hello everyone
Not really much to report today i did my HIIT cardio today

5 min warmup
15 Interval Sprints (8 minutes on the bike, 7 minutes on the rower)
5 min Cooldown

i was hitting some poses in the mirror legs seem to look better with each passing day....i am really excited to see the kind of package i am gonna bring to the stage this time around

Bodybuilding is more about how you can improve YOUR physique so i need to stop worrying about the others i am going to go against and just realize that i need to just beat myself (I feel like i already outconditioned myself though)

Diet was right on point.....lately i have been nailing my meal timing.....Everyday the same times....kind of scary actually at exactly 3pm will be my next meal.....i even have my xtend between meals at the exact same time!!! I'll do anything to win!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

6/24 Leg Refinement Day

so this morning before work i decided to send out my entry form for my first bodybuilding contest of this season. Let me tell you i had an amazing workout session today because of it! My intensity was way up! Today was more of a refinement day for my legs, i have plenty of leg mass but now i must work on seperation and more detail

Todays Workout:
Rectus Femoris Cable Lift
40 for 10 reps

Leg Press with Legs Flared
4 plates per side for 12 reps

Leg Press with Feet Close in
5 plates for 12 reps

Barbell Stifflegged Dead lifts
225lbs for 12 reps

Glut Ham Raises
bw for 11 reps (this was tough after doing stifflegged deadlifts)

Standing Calve Raises Strip Set
3 sets of 300lbs for 15 reps cut to 200lbs for 15 reps cut to 100 for 15 reps

Followed by 30 min Low Intensity Cardio
Burning 241 calories

Then followed by 15 minutes posing practice

As i sit here and write this my legs are pulsing.....but i can definately see more lines coming in!!!

Todays Quote:

"Cause sometimes you feel tired, feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up, But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength and just pull it out of you and get that motivation to not give up and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.......I will not fall, I will stand tall, Feels like no one could beat me"
-Till I Collapse-Eminem

BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

6/23 Upper Body Thrashing!!

Happy Monday everyone!
I have a couple of things to announce but first here is my workout!

Today was my new rotation of my upper body power day

BB Reverse Bent Over Rows on bench
(similar form to this )
225lbs for 8 reps

1-Arm DB Rows on bench
115lbs for 10 reps

50 reps total done in 5 sets (by the end of 3 weeks i want to try and get 50 reps done in 3-4 sets)

Weighted Hangs with more emphasis on "flaring my back"
90lbs held for 1 minute

DB Rear Delt Raises w/ head on Bench
(here is the link to view the exercise )
30lbs for 10 reps

Barbell Standing Press (i absolutely love how these feel)
155 for 4 (granted i did the same weight on sat thats not to bad)

Flat Bench Press
275lbs for 4 reps + 1 rep with a pause on the bottom

Cable Crossover
4 x 8 (to0 easy)

EZ-Barbell Curls strict
100lbs for 5 reps

Cordova Barbell Curls
( )
65lbs for 8 reps

Decline Tricep Press
225lbs for 6 reps

Overhead DB Tricep Extensions
80lbs for 12 reps

Notes: Good solid workout....Chinups killed me...i was reading Arnold Schwarzenegger's book this weekend and in it he said that Franco Columbo used to do 10 sets of 25 reps for pullups!!! His back was huge ( )
so i decided to start incorporating more chin-ups in my routine since i need more lower lats!

So my announcement for the day is....drum roll please............On July 25th i have decided to compete in a Powerlifting meet!! Thats right I want to show everyone that not only do i look good but that I am just as strong as i look!!! I will not be changing my training or diet or anything i will go into the meet as is and do my best!!!!

Here is the link to prove that i am participating!

Take Home Message: When your trying to get to the top of a mountain you have to be hungrier then everyone else climbing the same mountain......Theres guys right now that are doing the same shows as me that are probably way ahead of me.....I am trying to get to the top of that mountain....i need to be Hungry!!!

Stay Hungry!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

6/22 Week 9 of Contest Dieting

Here is my week 9 results

Weight: 181.5 (-.5)
Bodyfat: 4.9% (-.5%)
Notes: Everything is going great....i am the strongest and leanest i have ever been in my life....i keep breaking PR's!!!
i think i look better now then i did at my contest!!
In my back double bicep can see lines in my hamstrings!!!!!!
I have also attached a picture of me at 15......its funny to see the kind of progress i have made
Me Doing Pullups at 15:

Me Flexin at 15!

This morning at 4%

Saturday, June 21, 2008

New Amazing Recipe!!!!

I have come up with the greatest recipe for all you low carb dieters!!!

I have made Rice with no carbs!!!! You can eat as much of this as you want without overeating it!!

Here is the recipe:

Take some Cauliflower

boil it for about 15 can even chop it up raw and pan cook

then grated it up... that`s it

i added some seasonings along with "I can't believe it's not butter spray"
Here is my finished product....enjoy!

6/21 Getting that Yield Sign Look

Hello everyone, Hope everyones weekend is going well so far....Its a nice warm day in NYC, one of those days where I wish i had a gym outside to workout in....One day when i open up my own gym!

Today's workout.....i was working on getting a bigger V-taper

Close-Grip Pullups
25lbs + Bodyweight x 8 reps

OneArm Cable Pulldowns
6 X 10 reps

Machine T-Bar Rows
4 plates x 8 reps

Cable Rows
16 x 15 reps PR

Decline Pullovers
80 x 12

Standing Barbell Press
155 x 6

Cable Laterals
3 x 12 PR

One arm bent Laterals
45 x 8

Barbell Shrugs
405lbs x 6

Followed by 5 minutes of Broom stick really shrink my waist!

Notes: Awesome workout, felt really good and pumped as well
I am going to have an awesome rebound after this contest.....A rebound is how your body reacts once you start adding in calories....You grow the quickest coming out of a low calorie diet.....I am the strongest i have ever been as well as the leanest!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

6/20 Legs!!

I thought after yesterdays down day I was going to have a bad today but thats not the case!!

Legs are the biggest muscle in the body and you have to be prepared mentally as well as physically...before lifting today i viewed a clip of ronnie coleman squating 800lbs and i told myself that failure today was not an option.....i was not gonna have a repeat of yesterday!!!

Heres today's workout

Ass to the Grass Squats w/ a pause on the bottom
365 x 6 PR....very easy pr.......i did this with no belt no wraps...just RAW DOG!!

185 x width of weight area back and forth PR!!! (This was a killer, took me a while haha)

Leg Extensions Supersetted w/ Machine Leg Press
205 x 10/ 330 x 15

Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts (lifted from the floor)
275 x 8

Single Leg Curls
70 x 10

Standing Calve Raises
345 x 10 for 10 sets

Followed by 30 min low intensity cardio......i did 15 minutes bike and 15 efx....I figured out that if I squat down just alittle bit on the EFX machine i can stimulate my legs alittle after 15 minutes of that my legs were fried
I wasnt done yet.....i followed this up by 15 minutes of posing practice!!


Notes: Overall today was a good day got a good PR and i used a slower tempo for most of exercises.....On stiff legged deadlifts I lifted the weight from the floor.....that makes the exercise so much i will be doing that some more!!

Take Home Message: Never think that you have done all you could to change your body. Theres a million different ways to stimulate new muscle growth which in turn will burn more fat in the long run!! Get out there and try some new things !!!

Recipe of the Day:
98% Lean Ground Beef
2 tablespoons Franks Hot Sauce
1 packet of Splenda
1/2 teaspoon Oregano

Form into a burger patty and grill on the foreman grill
Then place it between 2 Slices of Weight Watcher Whole Wheat Bread and enjoy!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

6/19 Chest and Arms

Wow today was the first workout in a while that i actually felt beat up!
I was so physically drained today, i had no energy for anything what so that i actually think about it my workout was not the worst i hit some PR's. I was just having one of those days today

Flat Cable Flyes (Pre-exhaust movement for chest)
6 x 10 PR

Flat DB Press
105 x 6

Flat DB Chest Busters
85 x 6

EZBarbell Curls
90 x 10 + 2 cheat curls

DB Skullcrushers
50 x 6 PR

Cable Preacher Curls
7 x12 PR

Tricep Dips
70 x 10

Notes: I really felt beat down today, i manage to still get my workout in
I dont know what was up with me today...Today was a much needed Re-feed so hopefully by tomm i will have my focus back 100%

On the upperhand diet was 150% on point but that will never fall

Take Home Message: Everyone has those days where they feel down and out, but its how you handle those days that make all the difference!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What am i drinking in my shaker bottle?

The Importance of Branch Chain Amino Acids While Dieting
A Key Supplement for Getting Lean and Gaining Muscle

What are Branch Chain Amino Acids?

Branch Chain Amino Acids are the "Building Blocks" of the body. They make up about 35% of your muscle mass and must be present for molecular growth and development to take place. There are 22 total amino acids which are divided into two groups, essential amino acids (which can not be manufactured by the body) and Non-essential amino acids (which can be made by the body). For the main concern of this article I will be speaking about the Branch Chain Amino acids or BCAA’s as they are referred to. The branched chain amino acids are Valine, Leucine, and Iso-leucine. The BCAA’s make up approximately 1/3 of muscle protein. BCAA's reduce muscle fatigue, speed recovery, decrease the loss of other amino acids from muscle during exercise and help the body absorb protein. A deficiency in any one of these Aminos will cause muscle loss. Unlike other amino acids, BCAA's are made in the muscle and not the liver.

What do BCAA’s do?
Whenever we lift a weight we cause damage to the muscles. Since BCAA make up about 1/3 of the muscle proteins, we can only conclude that when we exercise we break down these BCAA. We get out BCAA’s through diet but extra supplementation may be necessary. When our body senses BCAA in our blood stream it stops the breakdown of muscle and switches the body into grow mode! BCAA’s tell our body that we have significant amount of amino acids in order to build or maintain muscle, stop breaking down other muscle tissues. By taking a BCAA supplement prior to and immediately after exercise we give our muscles plenty of branch chain amino acids to use thus sparring addition muscle tissue from being broken down.

Why is this important if you are trying to lose weight?
Branch Chain Amino Acids are definitely a must when it comes to losing weight. They help to retain muscle mass which in turn leads to a greater decrease in muscle loss. The more muscle our bodies have the faster our metabolism will be. So if we maintain or even gain muscle we increase our resting metabolism which will lead to a greater fat burning capability.

Do BCAA provide any other benefit?
Sure, studies have shown that they help to stimulate protein synthesis (help the body make new proteins), decrease fatigue, helps to form other amino acids, and help to increase energy. Along with all the benefits I have listed it also has been known to reduce hunger while dieting due to the amino acid leucine. Leucine triggers insulin in your body causing your body to think it is satisfied and not hungry!

How to take BCAA’s? Which product do you recommend?
You can take BCAA many ways. It mainly depends on your goals. When mass building I suggest taking 5g in the morning as soon as you wake up, 5g PreWorkout, 5g During Workout, 10g Postworkout and 5g before bed. When on a more calorie restricted diet I suggest spacing them out throughout the day (view a sample of my day below)

Here is how I recommend taking your BCAA’s while on a lower calorie diet:

6am Wake up
5g BCAA with breakfast


11:30am PreWorkout Meal

10g BCAA with post workout meal

3:30pm5g BCAA

Meal 4


Meal 5

12am before bed

Meal 6 with 5g BCAA

6am repeat cycle

Any type of BCAA product is fine as long as it has a 2:1:1 ratio of Branched Chain Amino Acids (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine). The BCAA product I recommend is Scivation’s Xtend. Along with having the proper ratio of BCAA it also includes Glutamine, Citrulline Malate, and Vitamin B6 that will give you the energy you need to maximize your training while enhancing recovery at the same time.

Here is a link for the Xtend:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

6/17 Leg Tension Day

Todays Lifts
Single Leg Press which evolved midway through my sets as Regular Leg Press
4 plates x 8 (tension 3/1/2)

Leg Extension
stack x 8

Rectus Femoris Cable Leg Lift
2 sets of 15
3 x 15

Glut-Ham Raises
bw x 8 (i think i am about ready to start adding weight with this exercise)

Seated Leg Curl
130 x 10

Single Leg Raises Machine
190 x 10

Leg Press Single Leg Calve Raise
250 x 15

Followed this workout up with 30 minutes low intensity cardio burning 255 calories, I will start tracking these calories burned, but i seriously doubt that it matters what so ever, as long as my heart rate is up!

Notes: Awesome workout today, i can really start to see some serious lines in my legs, but i need more. I need all four of my quad muscles to be deeply carved in my legs. In 10 weeks i will make it my mission to have that!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

6/16 Upper Body Power Day

Heres todays workout

Braced DB Rows
100 x 8 reps

Rack Chins
65 x 10

DB Row on Bench (Rest Pause set)
110 x 10,6,4

Standing DB Press
70 x 5 PR

One Arm DB Laterals
60 x 12 PR

Decline Barbell Press
275 x 6 PR

Low Cable Crossovers
4 x 8

Strict DB Curls
50 x 5

Concentration Curl
40 x 8

Reverse Bench
225 x 5 PR

Overhead Cable Ext
9 x 12

Notes: I was so tired between last night and this morning. My body is asking for rest, but i managed to get myself together for my workout today. I smashed some old previous records and i am looking for more!!!

Some info on other things going on in my life:
-I plan on attending grad school for Nutrition, I think i have found a school that i like....CUNY Brooklyn College, they have an awesome Nutritional Science Program. I also looked into their exercise science program so I have to see what i like better
-I decided to put together a E-Book reguarding weightloss/musclebuilding and how to put it all together....I have not set a date on when i want to have this book published or anything, but i have started writing some chapters and I won't be anywhere near done until at least after my contest! I still have to find a company to publish my e-book online, I might even get it published into hardcover!!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Week 8 Update

Well so far i have been cutting for 8 weeks and here are the results

Day 1: 4/27/08
Weight: 193
Bodyfat: 11.3%
Pounds of Fat: 21lbs
LeanBodyMass: 171

As of this Morning: 6/15/08
Weight: 182 (-9lbs)
Bodyfat: 5.4% (-6%)
Pounds of Fat: 9.8lbs (-12lbs)
LeanBodyMass: 173 (+2lbs)

I have....
10 weeks til show 1
12 weeks til show 2
14 weeks til show 3

I am excited to see the end results!!

My Current Supplements:
Scivation Whey
Primaforce Beta Alanine
Primaforce RALA
Scivation Knockout
Udo's Choice Oil
Fish Oil

So I must say I am pretty happy with my results after 2 months. I have dieted perfect for 8 weeks straight not missing one meal or one workout, I have pictures of every week and i must say that i have improved greatly since day 1. You can tell i maintained all my size while losing bodyfat!! I must keep going and i can not be satisfied with my progress!!

Take Home Message: It's good to reflex on how well you have did but take a step back and look at the whole picture. Are you truly happy with where you are currently are? In reality I made great progress since day 1 but so has my competition!!!!! Always strive for the best for yourself!

I have attached a picture of Day 1, and Todays pic....please dont mind the quality of the pictures i need a new digital camera badly!

Week 1 Pic

Week 8 Progress

6/14 Back and Shoulders

Todays Lifts
Close-Grip Pullups
3 sets of 12

1-Arm Cable Pulldown
5 x 15

Machine T-Bar Row
3 x 12

Cable Rows
16 x 12

Decline DB Pullovers
75 x 15

Standing DB Press
135 x 8

Cable Laterals
3 x 8

1-Arm DB Bent Laterals
35 x 12

Barbell Shrugs
275 x 12

Notes: Good pump in my back...all in all very good workout

I will update you guys on my 8 week progress later on today i am running late for school !!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th Legs!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello all! Today is Friday the 13th, a day of bad luck....supposedly! Not for me!
Heres my lifts for today

Full Squats with a pause on the bottom
315 x 8

135 walked the length of the gym twice

Leg Extensions Supersetted with Leg Press
205 x 8 w/ 270 x 8

Stiff Legged Deadlifts
275 x 6

Single Leg Curl
55 x 15

Standing Calve Raises
10 sets of 300 x 10 reps

Followed by 30 minutes low intensity cardio then followed by 15 minutes of Posing Practice!

Posing is one of the hardest things when training for a contest. It can be harder then training itself! Last year i made it a point to pose for 15 min daily. This really helped me to place high. I outposed almost all of my competition. You have to show the judges that you can hold these poses you have to be confident when standing on stage, you must act like the winner!!!

I think dieting is finally starting to get to my head, one minute i feel small the next i feel like Arnold! Nows it's all about learning what works well for my body and what foods help me attain that Arnold look and avoid the foods that make me feel small

Diet was 150% spot on today
Couple more weeks left!!!!

Take Home Message: No matter what life throws at you, you must always be prepared for your day! Whether that means staying on point with your diet or keeping yourself healthy, or even getting to the gym! Set a goal for yourself and try to make it a habit! It takes 30 days of doing something continuously to make something a habit....Make a goal and stick with it for 30 days I am sure you will be very pleased with yourself!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Side Note

Here is a good item that you guys can use to track your Calories on the go!

If you text
with a food name

it will text you back with the calorie content of that item....all for free....its pretty neat try it out!

6/12 Chest and Arms

Today is my re-feed day, so in hopes i can add some quality mass to my arms and chest before these competitions get closer

The tempo today was 1/0/1

Flat Cable Fly (Chest Pre-exhaust movement)
5 x 12 PR

Flat DB Bench
100 x 8 (awesome movement on this exercise today)

Flat DB Chest Busters
65 x 10 (to light i definately need to bump this weight up)

EZ-Barbell Curls
90 x 8

DB Skullcrushers
45 x 9 PR

Cable Preacher Curls
6 x 12 PR

Triceps Dips
45 x 12

Notes: Awesome Workout today! Great Pump in my chest! The 1/0/1 tempo really gets my chest pumped! My chest is starting to get sore already....I think i need to use more weight to stimulate my arms more with this faster tempo....Diet was 100% on point! i feel like my legs are finally getting alot tighter!

Recipe of the Day:
3 tbsp Franks Hot Sauce
1 packet splenda
let marinate on chicken for 15-30 minutes

then grill and enjoy!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The bar just got bumped up!

Well after doing some research last night on my current contest information i have found out that i can not compete in both the novice (to be eligible to compete here you must have never placed 1st in any class, or if it is your first show) class and the Open class (these classes are open to anyone whether you have placed 1st or not) at the INBF shows

here was previous plan

August 23rd OCB Show
Compete in Novice and Open Men class

Sept 6th INBF Show
Compete in Novice and Open Middleweight

Sept 20th INBF Show
Compete in Novice and Open Middleweight

but that was all changed.....I spoke with a friend who i competed with last year and i let him know what my game plan was...he informed me that in the INBF you can not crossover divisions......this ruined my plans big time it means i would have to chose which class i want to compete in

so my new game plan is

Aug 23rd OCB Show
Novice and Open (so far i am okay to crossover and compete in both here)

Sept 6th INBF
Mens Middleweight

Sept 20th INBF
Mens Middleweight (this will definately be the biggest and toughest show)

My goal was to win the novice class at a inbf show but i think i will push past everything and shoot for the Mens Open classes.....The mens open classes will be alot more stricter and harder!

I had to really think long and hard about this decision, i could prob win novice this year but after my experience with novice last year, the guys who do novice are afraid to compete in Open! Not me!!!! Bring it on!!!!!!!!

As a close friend of mine says
"Its more satisfying to lose to a Dragon, then to win over a Mouse"

The level just got bumped up!! i will have to train harder and diet harder!!! My diet is 100% i will need it to be 110%, i will be timing my meals to best of my abilities, making sure i eat the same times day in and day out!
My training will have to be 120%, i will need to really pound the weights and maintain focus to beat these guys....everyone of them wants to win just as much as me, i have to be hungier!!!

Get ready this ride is just beginning!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

6/10 Leg Refinement Day!!

WOW...First I must report on how sore i am....My uppperbody is totally done! I never moved weight that fast before and we will see how my body takes shape in the next coming weeks!
as Arnold said
"I just get the weight up, i dont go crazy heavy to the point where nothing is being worked but the more speed I force against the weight, the heavier i can make it and the harder the contraction"!
- Hey if Arnold uses this technique its good enough for me!!!

Todays Leg Workout Using Refinement tempo 4/1/4

One-Legged Leg Press
3 plates x 6 reps

Leg Extensions
170 x 10

Glut-Ham Raises
bw x 5

Seated Leg Curl
130 x 8

One-Legged Calve Raise
250 x 10

Calve Raise Machine
170 x 8

Notes: WOW WHAT A BURN!!! I have never went this slow of a tempo ever and it burns....I found it hard to keep focus doing all these 1-legged movements, it felt like forever and that the set was never going to finish

I will be using refinement day only on my leg hypertrophy days, my leg power days i will use more of a standard rep range

Recipe of the Day:
2oz Lemon Juice
3 packets of splenda

let marinade for 15-30 minutes then throw on the BBQ!!!!!!!!! Yumm!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

6/9 Upper Body growth in 100 degree weather!

Well its another blistering hot day in New York
Heres todays Workout

Braced Dumbbell Rows
100 x 6

Rack Chins
45 x 10

DB Row on Bench
Rest Pause on the last set
100 x 10, 6

Weighted Hangs
180lbs + Bodyweight- I have no long i was holding this for, had people watching me and i really just try and tune out their comments, my guess was for at least 50 seconds, then i paused and held for another 25 seconds so prob about 1 minute 10

Standing DB Press
65 x 8

Lateral Raise (Loose Form)
60 x 9

Decline Bench
275 x 4

Low Cable Crossover
3 x 12

Strict DB Curls
45 x 6

Reverse Grip Bench
185 x 8

Concentration Curl on Knee
35 x 8

Overhead Cable Extensions
8 x 10

Notes: Good workout, really tried to move some weight around...My tempo for this workout was all 1/0/1, Really explosive movements
I read a great article by World Famous Natural Bodybuilder Jim Cordova which he speaks about rep range and how certain rep ranges develop the muscle alittle different....he states that slow reps focus on more refinement and muscle separation while fast, explosive reps focus on pure bulk and hypertrophy

I am looking for my bulk/hypertrophy in my upperbody and will try this rep range for alittle bit
and i will use "refinement" reps for my legs, which i need to bring out more detail

This article makes plenty of sense to me because i have always trained legs explosively and they always were big and bulky, my upperbody i always trained more slower, so we will see what happens

heres the link to the article

Take Home Message: Never stop learning about your body, put different methods to use and see which ones work best for you!

Until next time! Eat well!

6/8 HIIT Cardio/ Progress Update Week 7

Well today (Sunday 6/8) here in New York was 96 degrees and humidity is high....Today was my off day from lifting

I been taking weekend classes at my college and i have to be there at 8am, so i get up at around 6am eat breakfast and take my weekly measurements

Heres my results for Week 7

184lbs (-2lbs)
Bodyfat: 6% (-.9%)
LBM Gain so far: 2lbs
Fat loss total so far: 10lbs

I will be making no changes this week to my diet, but i feel my legs are not getting lean enough so i will be throwing in some leg extension/leg curl supersets before doing sprints, in an attempt to generate some more blood flow to that area.

Cardio Today:
Leg extensions/ Leg Curl superset 3 sets

5 minute warmup
15 intervals
5 minute cooldown

take home message: when your feeling depressed, anxious, frustrated and or tired .....don't reach for food and wear it on your hips- go to the gym and RELEASE THE BEAST - nothing beats a workout!

my recipe for the day:
one scoop of vanilla isopure zero carb protein powder
6 - 8 oz water
teaspoon of banana extract
teaspoon of walden farms peanut spread
touch of cinnamon1 pack equal
3 ice cubes

blend and enjoy!

The take home message and the recipe of the day were provided by one of best clients, Thanks Pearl

P.S- I want to wish a Happy Birthday to my best friend Yury, keep trying to get your lifts up there man but remember who taught you how to lift!!! Have a good one brother!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

6/7 Back and Shoulders

After a long 8 hour day of school (yes school on a Saturday), it was time for some Back and Shoulders. I could barely sit still in school i was so psyched for my workout...Heres what i did

Close-Grip Pullups (great warmup and I really focused on squeezing my back here)
bodyweight x 8 reps

One-Arm Cable Pulldowns (felt alittle strange but i was able to get a good squeeze at the bottom so i will work with this exercise for 2 more weeks)
5 x 12

Machine-T-Bar Rows
3 plates x 8

Cable Rows
16 x 10 + 3 dropsets!!!!!!

Decline DB Pullovers (wow what a burn in my lats, this is definately my new favorite version of pullovers)
65 x 15

Standing Barbell Press (i pretending i was doing a front double bicep with every rep)
135 x 7

Cable Laterals (to much cheating will get rid of this exercise in my next cycle)
3 x 8 reps

One arm Bent Laterals
30 x 8

Barbell Shrugs
225 x 12

Notes: Good workout today, the gym decided not to turn on the air conditioner so i was dripping in sweat!

Changes to my plan: As most of you know your body acts like a machine constant utilizing the food we eat and using it to burn fat and build muscle. The more effective your machine is at doing this the more your body will be primed for burning fat and building muscle. How do you keep your body going, eating at regular intervals throughout the day! I have a total of 6 meals per day all spaced out 3-5 hours each. This means that i consume one of my meals at 3am to keep my body burning and to keep protein synthesis going. I never want my body to be in a catabolic state. Once I enter that state my muscles are doomed! I avoid this by setting an alarm at 3am and having a whey protein shake with some bcaa to keep my body out of a catabolic state.

(A quick note before i continue....The definition of catabolic- What is ‘protein catabolism’? - Metabolism is the sum of the chemical processes of the body, may be divided into two phases. Anabolism refers to chemical processes which are constructive, or synthesizing of body tissues, enzymes and other body components (building up of the body). Catabolism generally refers to those processes in which body tissues and components are breaking down into simpler metabolic constituents (Breaking down of muscle tissue which slows down your metabolism). These two processes always coexist, although one may dominate at times over the other)

I did some thinking, as we all know whey protein is fast digesting form of protein and would be perfect for this meal.
I have taken this one step further. By ingesting a bcaa supplement i automatically provide my body with sufficient amino acids to stop this catabolism. So why take two fast digesting items and place them into my body at once? I removed the whey protein and replaced it with something that is the most bioavailable to the human body. Egg whites! Eggs and egg whites are basically baby food for your body, your body can absorb 94% out of 100% of the egg! A whey protein supplement can usually take anywhere from 1-3 hours to be completely digested, while eggs and egg whites take 4-5 hours. So this is the perfect thing for me to have at 3am. It will keep me full throughout the night as well as provide my body with a natural source of good quality protein.
Now you may be saying "Anthony, your going to wake up at 3am and cook eggs?". My response to you is, "I love bodybuilding so much but i need my beauty sleep". I will be drinking my egg whites. I will be using Egg White Beaters.
Here is the link so you guys can check it out!

I tried this out last night and this morning i woke up so much drier and vascular then usual. I also wasnt as hungry as usual. Last night i poured 1/2 a small container into my shaker bottle and kept it in the refrigerator. I woke up walked to the fridge drank the shake without even tasting it and went right back to bed. It was alittle salty, but not horrible tonight i will try this
1/2 container Egg White Beaters
1 tsp Crystal Light Raspberry

Why i think this will work well for me: I am alittle bit lactose intolerant, very slightly. When i have protein shakes i notice it tends to bloat me up slightly. Whenever i increase my sodium intake i become more vascular with less water retention. Egg Beaters have higher sodium then my shake and no milk boom a harder drier me in the morning!

Why i am actually making this change: I want to see if this will help me gain/retain lean muscle and help me to shed the last bit of fat on my body!

and i will keep you guys posted on how this little experiment works for me!

Take Home Message: 5g of a BCAA supplement when you wake up to pee might not be a bad will help your body stay out of catabolism which is crucial to burn fat and retain lean muscle!

Friday, June 6, 2008

6/6 Leg Growth Day

I was feeling alittle tired today, but I know that no matter how tired I am that there might be someone out there training harder then me and someone else out there would is not tired! Knowing that I might compete again someone who might be outworking me is unacceptable!!! I have to be able to walk around and feel like the winner. I have to feel that I am training as if I am already a Pro.

Here's todays Workout:

ATG Squats with a pause at the bottom (ASS TO THE GRASS) (Squats all the way down)
315 x 6 (not to failure)

Walking Lunges about 30ft with pause at the bottom (these felt so good, I felt a deep stretch)
95lb barbell

Leg Extensions supersetted with Machine Leg Press
stack + 25lb x 8 reps ss with/ 250lbs x 20 on Leg Press

StiffLegged Barbell Deadlifts
225 x 10

Machine Single Leg Curl
55 x 12

Standing Calve Raise
10 sets of 10 reps with 300lbs (this was so hard)

Notes: Overall good workout, Felt like i could have pushed myself alittle more on Squats but i wanted to easy into getting heavier with these!

Recipe of the Day:
1 can Prime Fillet Tuna
3 tbsp Gulden's Mustard
1 packet splenda
1 teaspoon Celery Salt

mix together and throw over a small salad!!!!! YUMMMMM!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

6/5 Target Zone Training/ Chest and Arms

Two of my biggest areas i feel i need to improve upon is my Chest and my arms. My chest and my arms have been my biggest weakpoints and are the most stubborn areas of my body that won't grow. Although lately I must admit that my arms are starting to break through. I am starting to notice a big change in my biceps and my triceps :D. I can not wait until i start bulking again so i can reallly put some serious growth on my arms. I don't have bad genetics so i need to carefully monitor my diet in the offseason so that i gain more quality size. I plan on also taking 2 years off after this year of competition to really let myself grow and gain some real size. My chest has made some big improvements since last year as well. i reallly feel that my trick of "pre-exhausting" my chest is really working like a charm!

Today's Workout

Flat Cable Flyes (Pre-Exhaust movement for my chest) (Great burn in the chest, chest felt ready for some bench pressing)
5 x 10 (PR!)

Flat DB Press
100 x 6 (wow! I took for granted how "exhausted" my chest was at this point...i really feel like my experiment is working really well)

Flat DB Chest Busters (New exercise for middle chest development, definately started to light, but got a decent pump from it)
55 x 12

Strict EZ-Barbell Curls
90 x 7 (PR)

Cable Preacher Curl
5 x 15

DB Skullcrushers (held my elbow in tight)
45 x 8 (PR)

Tricep Dips
Bodyweight + 25lbs x 10

Notes: i got the biggest pump today in my arms, they had to have pumped up an inch bigger, couldn't help myself from taking my shirt off in the gym and hitting some poses...Chest pump was fairly decent, but i noticed new veins across my arms :D

80 days left until my first show!!!! 80 more days left of perfect dieting to go!

Take Home Message: Sometimes you might get wrapped in the areas you want to change on your physique, but don't lose sight of the ultimate picture! Everybody has areas that they want to improve upon, but don't forget how far you have come. 2 years ago today i never would have thought i be competing! With a sound Diet and nutritional plan your results are sure to come, just don't fall into old habits that will have you moving backwards!

Til Next time!!!!

6/4 Rest/Cardio Day

Yesterday was my off day from the gym but I still had to get my cardio in. Since i work at the gym that i train at I am there all day, i decided to get outside and do my HIIT cardio outdoors.
I get this question all the time, what is High Intensity Interval Cardio? HIIT is one of the most effective way to burn bodyfat

Essentially High Intensity Cardio (HIIT) does 3 things that Regular Cardio does not:

1) it keeps your metabolic rate elevated for a longer period post cardio
2) it increases your mitochondrial production (mitochondria are the organelles in the cell where fat oxidation occurs)
3) it increases the activity of the enzymes in the mitochondria.

So because of 2 & 3 you actually increase your CAPACITY to burn fat, as well as the rate at which you burn fat; even at rest

Yesterday i wanted a change of pace and do something that will truly push me past my normal i took my car to a open parking lot, marked off 100meters put the car in neutral and pushed!!!!

I pushed the car the 100m distance as fast as i can and i did this 15 times!
wow was i beat!!!!

Take Home Message: Make sure you utilize your current surroundings! Cardio can be very tedious and dull but there are so many different to spice things up! Challenge yourself and go beyond the current norm!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

6/3 LEg Day!!!

Today was Leg day and i was totally in the zone for it....Last night as i lie down to go to sleep i visualized todays workout, every motion of it.....I can not even begin to tell you how much i was amped up for it!!!
Today was another 12 hour day for me and i knew it was going to be tough to get myself going for my workout, but i knew that when i get on stage i have to know that i worked harder then every other guy on that stage!!! I woke up extra early today to get in my 30 minutes Low Intensity Cardio. I wanted to make sure that i got my cardio done before i started my day!

Todays Workout

One-Legged Leg Press
3 plates per side x 8 reps

Leg Extensions
Stack + 20lbs x 10

Glut Ham Raise
BW X 4 reps

Seated Leg Curl
130 x 10

One Legged-Machine Calve Raise
250 x 15

One Legged Machine Raise
170 x 12

thats pretty much it.....i switched over to a lot of single leg stuff just for a change

Take Home Message: Everyone makes excuses why they can't get to the gym or why they can not diet alittle harder, but when you ignore those excuses and make time for something you will benefit!! "Success is a planned event" If you dont plan for your day, your just planning to fail

Good Luck to you all
check out this link, i am on the Gold's Gym Website :D

Monday, June 2, 2008

6/2 Upper Body Power + Anthony's Supplement Lineup

First Day on my Volume Routine. After about 6 weeks strength training i feel as though my body is ready for the increase in Volume. This is what my new routine will look like

Mondays: Upper Body (Re-feed day)
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: Off/HIIT Cardio
Thursday: Chest and Arms (Re-feed Day) I feel that chest and arms are my weakpoint so i used my second re-feed day to try to make improvements on these bodyparts
Friday: Legs Growth Day
Saturday: Back and Shoulders
Sunday: Off/HIIT Cardio

Felt Really Good was my workout

Braced DB Rows
100lb x 5 reps (Bench was alittle to high for this one, felt weird but will keep this exercise in my routine)

Rack Chins (Great Exercise, kind of like a strict pullup)
25lbs x 8 reps

DB Rows on Bench
80 x 10 then Rest Pause for 8 more reps (Definately too easy)

Weighted Hangs
180lbs x 60 sec hang (this was so hard by the last 10 seconds i was holding on with my fingers!)

Standing DB Press
60 x 10 PR! (Last year I was stuck at 55 x 6 reps, so that means i have gotten a lot stronger)

DB Lateral Raise (Good Cheating)
60lbs x 8

Decline Barbell Press
225 x 8 PR (this was really easy considering my previous shoulder injury)

Low Cable Crossovers
3 x 8

Strict DB Curls
45 x 5 (good squeeze on top, burnt like crazy)

Reverse Grip Bench Press
185lbs x 5 PR :D

Concentration Curl on knees
35 x 10

Overhead Cable Extensions
7 x 8

Notes: Awesome pump, i decreased my calories alittle bit in order to keep the fat loss coming along. I have 12 weeks left before my show and I am ahead of the game, i have about 10 more pounds to go before I am stage ready. I don't want to take any chances!!!!!

Current Supplements:
After being emailed several times what supplements I currently take I figure it be a good idea to list it for you guys. I don't take as many supplements as some guys take but i only use what works best for me!

1 Multi-Vitamin
BCAA- 5g between meals, 10g Post workout (one of the best supplements to increase lean body mass and help reduce fat)
3 Fish Oil tablets per day
500mg Calcium with Vitamin D (Calicum is lost when protein intake is high and whenever you flex a muscle your body excretes calicum)
Alpha Lipoic Acid- 300mg Pre-Post Workout, 100mg in the Morning
Creatine- 5g postworkout
Beta Alanine- 2g- 1g Morning, 1g Pre-workout
Vitamin C- 1000mg Post Workout
Whey Protein (i dont really consider this a supplement since it is the most bioavailable source of protein around)

Thats all my supplements....I havent started taken any fat loss supplements yet because i want to save them until i hit a fat loss plateau, but i will post them when i start using them

Take Home Message:
Do you need to purchase these supplements to be successful?
Nope! Supplements are not magic. The supplements don’t make the program work, they only help you to get there! You will still get results without them. Remember people were losing fat and building muscle before whey protein was even around! Your success will be determined by your consistency and focus and not your supplement lineup!! In order to be sucessful you need to have a sound nutrition plan, if you don't you will be just spinning your wheels!

What I suggest to you regarding supplements is to add them in slowly. First get your nutritional program in check, then add one supplement in at a time. This way you can access if that certain supplement works for you. Don't forget some supplements don't work for everyone! Once you find what works for you will save lots of money as well as wasted time!!

Good Luck and hit the gym hard!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

21st Weekend Wrap Up...Weekly Contest Update

Here are my updates on my progress
so as of today i am
12 weeks out from show 1
14 weeks out from show 2
16 weeks out from show 3

i really want to hit my peak at show 1 and 2
Show 3 is really for my clients to come see me, its a local show that i am going to do

Here is my progress

Weight: 186 (no change)
Bodyfat: 6% (-1%)

Notes: Overall i am breaking PR's like crazy, feeling bigger, fuller and leaner. So far I have gained 3lbs of muscle while dieting which is absolutely crazy but I have been training super hard and my diet is spot on!

Wrap Up on my Birthday Weekend
So I have gotten a lot of emails asking me "Since it's your birthday weekend will you be cheating and eating some cake". My answer to all you is NO! Right now at this point in my career I need to be as serious as I can with my nutrition. I want to go into every contest knowing that there was not one thing I could have changed to do better. I do not see getting enjoyment out of cake or ice cream when all I could taste is Victory!!!

Take Home Message:
Some times in life we have to make certain choices to either give in to temptation or to fight it. Most people find excuses to give in to temptation and they make certain rationalisation's why they can eat that slice of pizza or the extra cake. Excuses like "I diet hard all week and the weekends is where I can have my fun" or "I did extra cardio this week so my body will burn this off". I am here to tell you all no! One weekend of cheating can spoil 80% of a diet!! Take it from me, I used to make all those excuses too. It was not until I got serious about achieving results that I got rid of that mentality. I am telling you all to fight the temptation and really give your diet plan time to work and watch the changes in your body unfold!!! You won't be sorry you skipped out on the cake!

To quote Jack LaLanne:

"Two seconds on the lips, equals a lifetime on the hips!"