8.14.2008- Upper Body Hypertrophy
Barbell Bench Press- 3 sets of 10 (205lbs) <-up 20lbs since monday!
Incline DB Press-2 sets of 8 (70lbs)
Flat DB Flyes- 2 sets of 12 (30lbs) <- up 5lbs since Monday
Wide-Grip Pullups- 3 sets of 10 reps
DB Bent Over Rows- 2 sets of 8 reps (70lbs)
WideGrip Lat Pulldowns- 3 sets of 12 reps (80lbs)
DB Standing Shoulder Press- 2 sets of 10 reps (40lbs)
DB Standing Lateral Raises- 2 sets of 12 reps (30lbs)
Alternating DB Curls- 3 sets of 6 reps (40lbs)
Skullcrushers- 3 sets of 6 (115lbs)
High Cable Curls- 2 sets of 12
Single Arm Reverse Pulldowns- 2 sets of 12
Pro: 260g
Carb: 150g <- the lowest they have been since starting my diet by 70g
Fat: 40g <- Lowered by 15g
Water: 2 gallons
Salt Intake: 6000mg
Today and Tommorrow will be the toughest 2 days of my prep, I lowered my carbs and fats to really deplete myself for the massive carb load i am going to give myself. Along with that i am also working my upperbody today and legs tomm....having sat and sun as two high intensity days....Really depleting myself further....Then the fun begins monday with the added carbs!
Side Note:
My shoulder was absolutely killing me today! I really do not understand why?? I am definately overtraining and need some time off....For the next 5 weeks i will change my training back to a more foundation training
Training the Body 3xs a week only....This routine has worked well for me in the past and it will allow me to recover as well
The New Split
Day 1- Push Day
Chest,Shoulders, Triceps
Day 2- Rest
Day 3- Legs
Day 4- Rest
Day 5- Pull Day
Back and Biceps
Day 6,7- Rest/Cardio
My offseason program will probably look similar to this split. I will have 4 days a week to rest up...which i think right now at this point in my prep will be very beneficial...especially if i want to finish this strong.....My body holds onto/Builds muscle pretty easily so i should have no problem with this routine