Sunday, August 31, 2008

Final Review Of Hypertrop-X

Body Stats

My Starting Stats 7/2
Weight: 178lbs
Bodyfat: 4.4% (based on the 9site caliper test)

My Ending Stats 8/30
Weight: 171lbs (-7lbs)
Bodyfat: 3.2% (based on the 9site caliper test)

Hypertrop-X Review Critique:

Stength 9/10
Strength went up like crazy, even when rehabing an injury i was still gaining my strength back

Energy 2/10
I did not see much of an energy boost

Endurance/Stamina 8/10
Eundurance/Stamina was much better than usual, definately an increase and i believe it was due to the beta alanine

Pumps 3/10
The pump was decent, not much a pump from the supplement

Recovery 8/10
Hypertrop-X definately help me recover much faster from my workouts, thus helping to increase my strength

Fat Loss 6/10
Hypertrop-X helped me lose that last bit of bodyfat needed

Overall Thoughts 7/10
Overall pretty solid product, Definately worth it for strength gains. As far as the fat loss goes, it was ok. I had to split the dosage into 2 pills taken upon rising and 2 tabs 30 min before workout. I felt no beta alanine tingle dosing it this way. It does help with strength though, but its definately do to the beta alanine.

The supplement is pretty good if you have the extra cash to spend. If not stick with regular Beta- Alanine and you will get similar results

Once again i want to thank Hypertrop-X for the chance to try out this supplement!