8.21.2008 <- 2 days remaining!
Full Body about 30-40 min workout
Broomstick Twists- 25 reps
Smith Machine Squats- 2 sets of 10 reps
Barbell SLDL- 2 sets of 10 reps
H/S Incline Press- 2 sets of 10 reps
Assisted Dips 1 set of 12
Assisted Chin ups- 2 sets of 12
DB Rows- 2 sets of 10
DB Shrugs- 1 set of 10
Cybex Machine Shoulder Press- 1 set of 10
Cable Laterals- 2 sets of 10
DB Bent Over Laterals- 1 set of 10
DB Curls- 2 sets of 10
DB Lying Skullcrushers- 2 sets of 10
Seated Calve Raises- 2 sets of 10
Crunches on ball- 2 sets of 20
25 Min
15 min
Was an absolute zombie this morning.....felt like my brain could not function. After eating my preworkout meal, energy levels were back and i had a good amount of energy....1st coat of dream tan went on last night....time for coat 2 tonight
I was going to snap some pictures but i do plan on having a big write up of this weekend so there will be plenty of pictures then
As of right now, i feel and look ready...its only thursday and im tight.....by saturday my skin is going to be "drum tight"!
I increased my meal timing to 2-4 hours between meals....i am preparing for sat and starting to take in more frequent meals.....Before this i was taking in meals 3-5 hours apart