Wow 18 weeks of strict dieting, training and cardio all coming down to probably a total of 2 hours max! Seems like a lot of work for such a little reward but it was worth every second and every ounce of energy! 3,024 hours of living and breathing one date with one goal in mind, to win!
To stand under those bright lights knowing you have busted your behind to get there and earn your position is a PRICELESS feeling! The rush i get from standing on stage showing the judges my package i have worked so hard for!
Peak week went just as planned, I kept my water intake high and with every passing moment i was getting harder and harder! Actually on Saturday i consumed prob a total of almost 3 gallons of water! So big myth there on having to cut water and all that other fun stuff!
I actually slept on Sat morning, strange but i woke up the time i wanted too. Prepared for my day and i was off. The hour and half ride to NJ seemed like an eternity. I was cool, calm and collected the whole prejudging morning. I focused on myself and no one else. I knew i did all the work i was suppose too and that no matter what the judges had to say or "place" me that i already achieved my goal for this prep. Speaking of goals I set a goal for myself to "Weigh in 5lbs heavier then last year, with more lines and striations in my quads".......Last year i weighed in at 166lbs in the morning, This year i weighed in at exactly 171lbs!! Then looking in the mirror stuck my quad out, flexed....boom striations (not as many as i'd like but still, they were there!)
So anyway.....The pump-up room is small room usually backstage where competitors all get together to "pump-up" and oil/tan up. This is also known as the psych-out room! No tricks were played in my head this time around....i didnt size up my competition, i didnt care! i worried about me and only me and that made such a difference in the way i presented myself onstage. I finally understand what everyone means when they say "Look confident up there". It's not about trying to look confident, its about being 100% with the hard work you put into your prep and showing it off!
Prejudging went extremely well, I was center stage pretty much the whole time.....i have the video to prove it!
I ended up placing 3rd in the Open Mens Division (3 out of 8), which i was very satisfied with! I was once again the youngest in my line up but thats ok!
I left the event very pleased with my progress and was onto my next mission, a charity show the following day!
4am.......Can't sleep....Staring at the opposite from the night before.....Was i nervous? No more anxious! I was excited to get back out there this time and do it this time for my family and friends who came out to support me
Looked over my body in the mirror....i was so much fuller/harder then yesterday and alot more veiny....made me even more confident!
Arrived at the Event to find out the show was not-tested......I laughed and said "This should be fun" i pumped up and did what i had to do once again....then i walked behind the outdoor stage to find my class! I was competing against guys that were monster! Complete Monster....i asked one guy how much he weighed and he said 221lbs! lol I weighed in yesterday at 171lbs!
I thought to myself, your here to have fun and give your family (some of which have never seen me compete) a good show.
Prejudging went well.....Moved everyone around alot which is good....But i thought out of the 8 guys i came dead last!
Finals time came rolling around and i found out only the top 3 get a i knew i was not recieving one lol
I preformed my posing routine on a platform on Jones beach which was an amazing experience!
After posing i decided to go and get some much needed food!
i hit up this place Cheeburger Cheeburger
They have a 20oz Burger that if you finish the whole burger u get your pic taken and put on the wall.....needless to say my photo is on their wall now :D
So all in all....was the 3,024 hours of my life worth those minor 2 hours of a one word......YES! I am a stronger person today because of the struggle's i went through this prep
I have decided to not continue on with the string of my contests i had planned.....I had planned on Competing Sept 6th, and Sept 20th. After analysis the various pictures and video i have, i see many flaws in my physique that must be corrected....the only way to do that is to take a break from competing and focusing on building myself up!
I am in no rush to become a pro, A "Pro Card" doesnt enhance my life in wont make me rich, or famous but it will prove that i am among the few who work that much harder then everyone else, the extra few who drive themselves past their current situation in order to succeed! I am there in spirit, its time to take my body there!
Back on the Diet...Monday morning 12am
These past 2 shows have left a chip on my shoulder.....I am now hungrier then ever!
Time to fight!
Some pics from both days....the pics are all mixed up....i will try and post the videos as soon as i can!