9-18-2008 Calve/Cardio Day Deload at 90%
The Workout
5 min warmup
Cybex Leg Press Calve Raise- 2 sets of 20 reps
Seated Calve Raises- 2 sets of 20 reps
HiT Cardio
Time: 10 min
Cal: 143
Distance: 3.32
Level: 11
followed this by
**1 set breathing pullovers**
Then 5 min cooldown
Since this is my last week of deloading i will begin to post up my weights next week. This type of cardio is really working well for me....my legs are always pumped and burnt for a couple of hours after this!!! Awesome so much more effective then what i was doing previously
As a side note...i will be running an experiment on Rib Cage Expansion
some people say its a myth others swear by it.....i will not be doing the typical breathing squats followed by heavy pullovers
i will be using these "rules" written by Stuart McRobert:
"Breathing pullovers. This is strictly a stretching and forced breathing exercise. Start with a 10-15lb loaded bar/light dbs/bb plate. Take note not to exceed 15-20lbs unless you can bench 250 and from there, not over 25 lbs till you can bench 300. The use of heavy weights defeats the purpose of this exercise and will be harmful to your shoulders. Also, this is not an exercise where progressive resistance should be applied. Holding the weight, lie lengthwise on a bench with your feet on it(prevents overarching of back). Hold the weight at arms length,shoulder width like you're benching. Keeping arms stiff and straight throughout, SLOWLY lower the bar and inhale as deeply as possible WHILE LOWERING THE WEIGHT(note, not at one shot). Lower till arms are parallel(or slightly below) to the ground. Now, take in another big gulp of air here and breifly pause and return to starting position. Repeat exercise(there is no need to count reps, just carry on for awhile. He does give 15reps as a guideline though) while focusing on stretching the ribcage. If there's elbow irritiation from holding arms straight out, you can bend at the elbows just a little, enought to be able to execute the exercise comfortably. He goes on to say this is different from traditional muscle building pullovers as the latter is done with bent elbows but not in the case of breathing pullovers. Also, he adds these were normally done after exercises that left you 'heavily winded' but goes on to add that it isn't a must to do so. He recommends doing this everday if possible as this exercise isn't high-intensity systemetically-demanding work"
i agree with McRobert on heavy weight irrating the shoulders....in the past whenever i did heavy pullovers my ac joint would bother me...so i will be doing this type of a pullover 5x's per week at the end of my workout
i am going to try and put on an 1 inch to my ribs by the first week of december...lets see what happens...what do i have 2 lose? hopefully not a rib