9-11-2008 Calves/Cardio Days
The Workout
5 min warmup
Leg Press Calve Raises- 2 sets of 20 reps
Seated Calve Raises- 2 sets of 20 reps
Max-OT Type HiiT
12 Minutes
Previous Cardio #'s
Cal: 170
Dis: 3.98
Level: 11
Average RPM: 90-100
Todays #'s
Cal: 168
Dis: 4.18
Level: 11
Average RPM: 95-100
Pro: 225g
Carbs: 310g
Fat: 60g
Good cardio session today, Really striving to beat my previous numbers works very well...i can see why max-ot type cardio works really well...My legs are still feeling this type of cardio....This is a keeper! I am alittle confused how i beat the distance traveled but not the calories? Could be because i used a different bike then last time, but its all relative...i still worked hard!
I couldnt have picked a better rep ranges for calves....20 reps hard and heavy are really making my calves pop as of late....they feel like they grew alittle, and i am not even trying....i may have to measure them in 2 weeks and see if they grew
As a diet note....since i lost 2.5lbs bumped up the carbs by 20g and everytime i add in the carbs....i am starving the next day!!!!!!! My metabolism is really starting to get burning again....i'll be on a full bulk in no time!