Rest and Recovery Day
My metabolism is really starting to rev up again....after dieting for about 18 weeks, your metabolism naturally slows
i upped carbs by 5g on Wednesday
and since doing that i lost 1/2 pound! so that might mean more carbs coming my way!
My back is slightly sore after doing deads for the first time in months
i didnt get a chance to hit up the Team Universe! I am very mad i got out of work late and by the time i would have got there it would have been late :(
I also ordered for myself "Gravity boots", a therapist friend of mine recommended them to me, he explained how it helps relieving pressure in the disks in your spine and its good for overall health
i am excited to try these out....i believe you can even do crunches and stuff on those but i am more interested in the benefits for the spine
well hope everyone has a good weekend
on tap for tomm
HiiT Cardio at 6am before school :D