The Workout
5 min warmup
Deadlifts- 4-6 Warmup set- **1 main workset** 330lbs for 11 reps
Breathing DB Pullover **1 workset**
Pullups- 2 sets of bw + 5 for 5 reps
DB Bent Over Row- 2 sets 60lbs for 10 reps (i overshot this and got 10 instead of my intended 6 oops lol)
Incline Shrugs- 2 sets of 60lbs for 10 reps
EZ-Barbell Curls- 2 sets of 95lbs for 6 reps
Alternating DB Curls- 1 set of 40lbs for 8 reps
**Various Rotator Cuff Exercises**
Pro: 225g
Carbs: 375g
Fat: 60g
Current Supplements
-Ian King Creatine Loading Experiment- Week 5 -30g
-Xtend (1 scoop PreWO, 2 scoops PWO & 1 scoop btwn meals)
-ALA- 300mg before and after workout
-VasoCharge 2 Scoops Pre-Workout
-Beta-Alanine- 3 grams daily
-Glucosamine- 3 tablets daily
-Fish Oil- 3 tablets daily
-BSN Nitrix- 9 tabs per day
-Calcium, Magnesium & Zinc
Good workout today! I felt really strong, i had 2 boxes of raisins before lifting and felt really energized, so maybe raisins are my superfood !? lol
MRI went well yesterday and the results are in...........There are no findings of any tears, tendonitis, bursitis, arthritis or capsulitis....There is also a nice statement written right on the MRI....."The musculature of the shoulder and the rotator cuff is incredible" lol i liked that one lol
Which basically means my rotator cuff is strong and what? this is good news and at the same time its bad news....What could be causing this pain/feeling? It must be a bad sprain or trigger point? anybody have any ideas?
and now i am off to the OLYMPIA IN VEGAS!!!