Calves and Cardio Day Deload @ 55%
Cybex Leg Press Calve Raises 2 sets of 200lbs for 20 reps
Seated Calve Raises 2 sets of 20 reps
12 min HiiT Intervals
5 min cooldown
Notes: I got a sick pump in my calves even with a light deload.....must have been the cheese and turkey sandwich before hand :D
Side notes: I want to try and hit up the team universe tomm in the city....prejudging starts at 6:30
and i get out of work at 5 so tomm will be a big rush around day
Story of the day:
So today in the gym i warmed up for 5 minutes before doing calves and i had to use the rest room....so after im finished i noticed an object close to my feet....i pick up the item and it was the iphone 3g....a $400 phone.....now hes where i felt like i had those 2 little guys on my shoulders....one telling me to keep the phone and the other telling me to give the phone to the front desk......i thought long and hard because i really wanted the iphone for myself but then i said "What if this was my phone" so i gave the phone to my manager and told her to let me know if anyone claims it...all my coworkers were telling me i was stupid for giving the phone in and that i should have just put it in my pocket.....so i am cooling down from doing my HiiT and i hear over the loud speaker "Anthony to the front desk"......so i get to the front desk and the phone owner is there.....he tells me "thanks so much for returning my phone" and hands me a $50 bill!!!!!
So it pays to do the right thing, god will reward you!