Friday, October 3, 2008

10-03-2008 TGIF LEGS!!!!!!!!!

The Workout

5 min warmup
Squats**1 main workset 320lbs for 10 reps**
**1 set DB Pullovers**
Cybex Leg Press- 2 sets 5 plates per side for 12 reps (still working my way up to my max again, which was 12 plates per side...but i felt my form was 2 sloppy so taking time to build back up with better form)
Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts- 2 sets of 205lbs for 5 reps (building up to my personal best with better form on this too....PR on this was 355 for 5 reps with straps...this time i dont want to use straps)
Cybex Leg Curl- 2 sets of 110lbs for 12 reps
DB Lateral Raises- 1 set of 35lbs for 8 reps
Hanging Reverse Leg Raises- 2 set of 25lbs for 10 reps
Side Bends 1 sets of 15 reps
Cable Rope Crunch- 1 sets of 60lbs for 10 reps (performed like this )
**Various Rotator Cuff Exercises and Stretches**

Pro: 225g
Carbs: 375g
Fat: 60g

Current Supplements
-Creatine -5g
-Xtend (1 scoop PreWO, 2 scoops PWO & 1 scoop btwn meals)
-ALA- 300mg before and after workout
-VasoCharge 2 Scoops Pre-Workout
-Beta-Alanine- 3 grams daily
-Glucosamine- 3 tablets daily
-Fish Oil- 6 tablets daily
-BSN Nitrix- 9 tabs per day
-Calcium, Magnesium & Zinc

I had a crazy amount of energy all day today?, so weird.....i was wired...must have been the Poptarts i had this morning

Its about 9 hours since my leg workout and m quads feel fried!

I am very excited for tomm, Jim Cordova's Seminar.....should be fun....i am bringing my camera so i can take plenty pictures....and i am taking my voice recorder so i'll try and post up whatever i can tomm!

On Tap for tomm:
6am Cardio 30 min LI