Back and Shoulders-!
Well ever since i cut back on the calories some, I havent felt like a zombie as much as i did before...alittle weird
But it has been alittle hard to "wake up" for a workout
i need alittle more time to "warm up" before i get going.....
Bent Over Rows (did not feel awake yet)
275lbs with a wider grip for 8 reps
Cable Low Rows (getting there)
150lbs for 12 reps
Smith Machine Reverse Grip Rows (i was ready and raring after this one)
275lbs for 10 reps
Barbell Pullovers w/Ez-curl bar
135lbs for 10 reps (3 sets)
Upright Rows
135lbs for 8 reps
DB Shoulder Press
90lb DB's for 8 reps ?? :D
Machine Rear Delt Flyes
115lbs for 8 reps
Behind the Neck Barbell Shrugs
315lbs for 10 reps
Notes: After having my postworkout meal....i had some time to go in my families pool
so i did some non-stop swimming for about 10 minutes
Also sitting out taking the sun really dried me out......i saw viens in my chest and stomach that i have never seen b4 even in my legs!
Now a couple of hours later i am alittle burnt! but its ok that was my first time out in the sun all summer!!
Side Notes: i spoke with Rob today about tomm's workout.....Rob is a really nice guy and i am really looking forward to tomm!! I am going to give him a run for his money!!
have a good friday everyone!