The moment of truth.....The time has arrived...... Your heart is racing.
Your veins are throbbing with carb-loaded blood. The hot lights are blinding you and all you can hear is one voice barking out orders as if you were in a prison line up.
"Quarter turn to the right, quarter turn to the right, quarter turn to the right, and face front."
With every turn, flashes of lights blind the weak and strengthen the strong. All the diet, cardio, and busting your ass on the iron for weeks on end. All for that brief window of time to show what you got on stage.
You might ask yourself, "Is it all worth it?" If you have to ask, it just might not be. This is bodybuilding. This is our world, our stage, our time to shine, and our moment of truth. This is what makes a bodybuilder--the stage, diet, cardio, the selfishness of body over life. Any gym rat can hit the weights hard and get big with eating and skipping the 4:00 am cardio sessions. But it takes a true bodybuilder to cut down and step into the light, it takes a true animal with killer instincts.
Let's face it, what it comes down to is bodybuilders must be able to gain quality weight in the off season and lose weight in season for contests. There are many differences in diet and training during these two totally different stages of the sport. When dieting for a contest, one will find their true self and show their true colors. A contest diet will bring out the dark side in all of us from time to time. Anytime you restrict fuel from your body it makes temptations greater. One of the biggest temptations on a diet is all around you?food.
It is what makes the world go round. When your metabolism is cranked up from eating every two hours, but hungry five minutes after you eat your meal, many thoughts cross your mind. Some of these thoughts might not nudge you in the right way. A weak normal person would give in, but a true bodybuilder, an animal, will stay focused. Contest dieting can change the way a person acts and thinks.One thing you must remember... You are a bodybuilder not a powerlifter. No one cares if you can bench seven hundred or one thirty five. All that matters is what you look like on stage. When you do diet for a show and are true to your self you will be stoked no matter what place you get, because you will know you gave it your all and that is all that matters. So when the lights hit you right in the face and at that moment you will know you did everything you could do to get where you are. Bodybuilding is an individual lifestyle and a contest is won or lost off stage not on? It is decided long before the house lights shine.
Bring it...
Today's prepartation determines tomorrows achievement.
The man who can not believe in himself can not believe in anything else...
- I had to post this awesome saying posted by Semper27!