Sunday, July 13, 2008

Now on to the bad news PART 2

On the set of hack squats....i guess i must have gripped the handle to tight or maybe i moved slightly but whatever happened after the 3rd set of hack squats i could not lift my arm above head!

i immediately thought it was a knot of some type or a i continued on working out trying to massage the area

when leaving the gym i stretched my shoulder throughly...When i got home i moved my arm and was an instant i figured i might have had a bad knot of some type and i should be fine

When in my house i decided to continue to stretch and move my arm around.....i got down into a pushup position and boom there it scapula was winging out horribly from my body......i immediately knew something was up

I prepared my next meal and was off to the Emergency Room......I finally got to see a Dr and she moved my arm around alittle bit and walked out of the room.....confused and very hungry i decided to eat my meal.....The Dr comes back into the room to find me eating broccoli she seemed i explained to her i was a natural bodybuilder blah blah....and she proceeded to give me the bad news.....She told me i had Long Thorasic Nerve Entrapment!
I wanted to vomit the broccoli up.....She told me it would take anywhere from 3months to 1 year for it to heal properly...I immediately became dissappointed, tears came to my eyes. How could something i worked so hard for be taken away from me so powerlifting meet, no new trophies, not being able to compete for charity on the beach...I was with my mom and she saw the dissappointment in my eyes and asked if i wanted to get some pizza or something to eat. I rejected the offer figuring that it would only make me feel worse.

Getting home i immediately looked up Nerve entrapment and felt even worse when i started reading some of the injuries people had. I felt like i went from Hero to Zero! Thoughts began racing through my mind of not being able to lift a weight again and not getting to my ultimate goal......I stuck to my diet and prepared my food for the following day, then went right to bed

I woke up the next morning feeling alot less pressure in my left shoulder.....I was so confused how i had an entraped nerve with zero pain and full mobility of my shoulder..Before taking my weekly measurements i began to do some physical theraphy strengthening exercises on myself to help move the area around...I took my weekly measurements and was off to school for a final.....I decided it would be a good idea to go for a second opinion with my normal Dr. I thought it was impossible for the hospital to make a judgement like that without having taken an MRI or anything other then moving my arm around

So i went to school took the final and rushed home to the Doctor. i explained to the dr my exact pain and not telling him i went to the hospital last night to compare what they thought. This dr confirmed my intial feelings. It turns out i have a spasmed muscle which is causing my other muscles to lock up! He gave me some muscle relaxors and told me i should be fine within 7 days....he told me to avoid heavy lifting for a while and to be very careful in the gym....After he told me the good news i showed him the paper from the hospital....He looked at it and laughed...he explained to me that for a nerve entrapment to happen there usually has to be a force or trama.....he told me what i had was exercise related and i should get better fast....He said if you dont feel better within 7 days to come back and he will take an mri and give me a trigger point injection....but he told me its not that severe and that the "knot" wasnt so deep

I must have thanked the Doctor 100000000000 times
I told him that i will give him my trophy when i win it!

The contests are back on!!! I am back in the game! The only contest i will be unable to do is the virtual powerlifting meet.....but Bodybuilding is my true passion and to be allowed to this again made my week

(as i write this i have a heating pack on shoulder and i just removed the heating pack and moved my arm around to get a nice crack! wow i can get my scapula down alittle more)

Words cant describe how i feel right now