Getting my Swole on at the gym for the first time in a while
Flat DB Press
4 sets of 12 with 60lb DBs pause at the bottom
Incline Barbell Press
4 sets of 12
Flat DB Flyes
4 sets of 12
Heres where the crazyness took place
Rested between 30-45 seconds
Seated DB Curls 4 sets of 8-12
Spider Curls 4 sets of 8-12
Concentration Curls 4 sets of 12
SkullCrushers 4 sets of 12
Reverse Grip Cable Pulldown 4 sets of 12
Overhead EZ-Bar Extensions 4 sets of 12
Supersetted with
4 sets Reverse Curls
Rope Cable Extensions
Supersetted with
Assisted dips with pause on the bottom
Notes: Awesome Workout, man i was so pumped
I was going to superset arms completely but i figured i should focus on each muscle group seperate....I felt really good, shoulder bothered me on Incline Barbell....might get rid of the barbell and stick with DB Incline
Posing: 15 min before bed
Mood: Feeling good on the re-feed!
Current Supplements:
Scivation Whey
Scivation Xtend
Advanced Muscle Science- Hypertrop X
Scivation Dialene 4- 2 caps 2x per day
Scivation Sesamin- 3 caps per day
Primaforce CLA- 3 caps per day
Generic- Calcium, Vitamin D + C, Zinc- 3 caps b4 bed
Fish Oil 3 caps per dayGeneric-Multi 1 per day
Contest Info:
Contest 1: 29 days out
Contest 2: 30 days out
Injury Update: Not to bad, Therapist said i am almost back to 100%