Friday, June 20, 2008

6/20 Legs!!

I thought after yesterdays down day I was going to have a bad today but thats not the case!!

Legs are the biggest muscle in the body and you have to be prepared mentally as well as physically...before lifting today i viewed a clip of ronnie coleman squating 800lbs and i told myself that failure today was not an option.....i was not gonna have a repeat of yesterday!!!

Heres today's workout

Ass to the Grass Squats w/ a pause on the bottom
365 x 6 PR....very easy pr.......i did this with no belt no wraps...just RAW DOG!!

185 x width of weight area back and forth PR!!! (This was a killer, took me a while haha)

Leg Extensions Supersetted w/ Machine Leg Press
205 x 10/ 330 x 15

Barbell Stiff Legged Deadlifts (lifted from the floor)
275 x 8

Single Leg Curls
70 x 10

Standing Calve Raises
345 x 10 for 10 sets

Followed by 30 min low intensity cardio......i did 15 minutes bike and 15 efx....I figured out that if I squat down just alittle bit on the EFX machine i can stimulate my legs alittle after 15 minutes of that my legs were fried
I wasnt done yet.....i followed this up by 15 minutes of posing practice!!


Notes: Overall today was a good day got a good PR and i used a slower tempo for most of exercises.....On stiff legged deadlifts I lifted the weight from the floor.....that makes the exercise so much i will be doing that some more!!

Take Home Message: Never think that you have done all you could to change your body. Theres a million different ways to stimulate new muscle growth which in turn will burn more fat in the long run!! Get out there and try some new things !!!

Recipe of the Day:
98% Lean Ground Beef
2 tablespoons Franks Hot Sauce
1 packet of Splenda
1/2 teaspoon Oregano

Form into a burger patty and grill on the foreman grill
Then place it between 2 Slices of Weight Watcher Whole Wheat Bread and enjoy!!