Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th Legs!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello all! Today is Friday the 13th, a day of bad luck....supposedly! Not for me!
Heres my lifts for today

Full Squats with a pause on the bottom
315 x 8

135 walked the length of the gym twice

Leg Extensions Supersetted with Leg Press
205 x 8 w/ 270 x 8

Stiff Legged Deadlifts
275 x 6

Single Leg Curl
55 x 15

Standing Calve Raises
10 sets of 300 x 10 reps

Followed by 30 minutes low intensity cardio then followed by 15 minutes of Posing Practice!

Posing is one of the hardest things when training for a contest. It can be harder then training itself! Last year i made it a point to pose for 15 min daily. This really helped me to place high. I outposed almost all of my competition. You have to show the judges that you can hold these poses you have to be confident when standing on stage, you must act like the winner!!!

I think dieting is finally starting to get to my head, one minute i feel small the next i feel like Arnold! Nows it's all about learning what works well for my body and what foods help me attain that Arnold look and avoid the foods that make me feel small

Diet was 150% spot on today
Couple more weeks left!!!!

Take Home Message: No matter what life throws at you, you must always be prepared for your day! Whether that means staying on point with your diet or keeping yourself healthy, or even getting to the gym! Set a goal for yourself and try to make it a habit! It takes 30 days of doing something continuously to make something a habit....Make a goal and stick with it for 30 days I am sure you will be very pleased with yourself!