Saturday, June 7, 2008

6/7 Back and Shoulders

After a long 8 hour day of school (yes school on a Saturday), it was time for some Back and Shoulders. I could barely sit still in school i was so psyched for my workout...Heres what i did

Close-Grip Pullups (great warmup and I really focused on squeezing my back here)
bodyweight x 8 reps

One-Arm Cable Pulldowns (felt alittle strange but i was able to get a good squeeze at the bottom so i will work with this exercise for 2 more weeks)
5 x 12

Machine-T-Bar Rows
3 plates x 8

Cable Rows
16 x 10 + 3 dropsets!!!!!!

Decline DB Pullovers (wow what a burn in my lats, this is definately my new favorite version of pullovers)
65 x 15

Standing Barbell Press (i pretending i was doing a front double bicep with every rep)
135 x 7

Cable Laterals (to much cheating will get rid of this exercise in my next cycle)
3 x 8 reps

One arm Bent Laterals
30 x 8

Barbell Shrugs
225 x 12

Notes: Good workout today, the gym decided not to turn on the air conditioner so i was dripping in sweat!

Changes to my plan: As most of you know your body acts like a machine constant utilizing the food we eat and using it to burn fat and build muscle. The more effective your machine is at doing this the more your body will be primed for burning fat and building muscle. How do you keep your body going, eating at regular intervals throughout the day! I have a total of 6 meals per day all spaced out 3-5 hours each. This means that i consume one of my meals at 3am to keep my body burning and to keep protein synthesis going. I never want my body to be in a catabolic state. Once I enter that state my muscles are doomed! I avoid this by setting an alarm at 3am and having a whey protein shake with some bcaa to keep my body out of a catabolic state.

(A quick note before i continue....The definition of catabolic- What is ‘protein catabolism’? - Metabolism is the sum of the chemical processes of the body, may be divided into two phases. Anabolism refers to chemical processes which are constructive, or synthesizing of body tissues, enzymes and other body components (building up of the body). Catabolism generally refers to those processes in which body tissues and components are breaking down into simpler metabolic constituents (Breaking down of muscle tissue which slows down your metabolism). These two processes always coexist, although one may dominate at times over the other)

I did some thinking, as we all know whey protein is fast digesting form of protein and would be perfect for this meal.
I have taken this one step further. By ingesting a bcaa supplement i automatically provide my body with sufficient amino acids to stop this catabolism. So why take two fast digesting items and place them into my body at once? I removed the whey protein and replaced it with something that is the most bioavailable to the human body. Egg whites! Eggs and egg whites are basically baby food for your body, your body can absorb 94% out of 100% of the egg! A whey protein supplement can usually take anywhere from 1-3 hours to be completely digested, while eggs and egg whites take 4-5 hours. So this is the perfect thing for me to have at 3am. It will keep me full throughout the night as well as provide my body with a natural source of good quality protein.
Now you may be saying "Anthony, your going to wake up at 3am and cook eggs?". My response to you is, "I love bodybuilding so much but i need my beauty sleep". I will be drinking my egg whites. I will be using Egg White Beaters.
Here is the link so you guys can check it out!

I tried this out last night and this morning i woke up so much drier and vascular then usual. I also wasnt as hungry as usual. Last night i poured 1/2 a small container into my shaker bottle and kept it in the refrigerator. I woke up walked to the fridge drank the shake without even tasting it and went right back to bed. It was alittle salty, but not horrible tonight i will try this
1/2 container Egg White Beaters
1 tsp Crystal Light Raspberry

Why i think this will work well for me: I am alittle bit lactose intolerant, very slightly. When i have protein shakes i notice it tends to bloat me up slightly. Whenever i increase my sodium intake i become more vascular with less water retention. Egg Beaters have higher sodium then my shake and no milk boom a harder drier me in the morning!

Why i am actually making this change: I want to see if this will help me gain/retain lean muscle and help me to shed the last bit of fat on my body!

and i will keep you guys posted on how this little experiment works for me!

Take Home Message: 5g of a BCAA supplement when you wake up to pee might not be a bad will help your body stay out of catabolism which is crucial to burn fat and retain lean muscle!