Friday, June 6, 2008

6/6 Leg Growth Day

I was feeling alittle tired today, but I know that no matter how tired I am that there might be someone out there training harder then me and someone else out there would is not tired! Knowing that I might compete again someone who might be outworking me is unacceptable!!! I have to be able to walk around and feel like the winner. I have to feel that I am training as if I am already a Pro.

Here's todays Workout:

ATG Squats with a pause at the bottom (ASS TO THE GRASS) (Squats all the way down)
315 x 6 (not to failure)

Walking Lunges about 30ft with pause at the bottom (these felt so good, I felt a deep stretch)
95lb barbell

Leg Extensions supersetted with Machine Leg Press
stack + 25lb x 8 reps ss with/ 250lbs x 20 on Leg Press

StiffLegged Barbell Deadlifts
225 x 10

Machine Single Leg Curl
55 x 12

Standing Calve Raise
10 sets of 10 reps with 300lbs (this was so hard)

Notes: Overall good workout, Felt like i could have pushed myself alittle more on Squats but i wanted to easy into getting heavier with these!

Recipe of the Day:
1 can Prime Fillet Tuna
3 tbsp Gulden's Mustard
1 packet splenda
1 teaspoon Celery Salt

mix together and throw over a small salad!!!!! YUMMMMM!!!