Saturday, August 9, 2008

8.9.08 Back and Shoulders

Broomstick Twists- 3 min
Wide Grip Pullups- 50 reps
Wide-Grip Pulldowns- 3 sets of 12 (70)
H/S Pulldowns- 3sets of 15 (55)
Close-Grip Pulldowns- 3 sets of 15 (60)
DB Shoulder Press- 3 sets of 10 reps (40lb DBs) <-Getting back to normal sorta lol
DB Seated Laterals- 2 sets of 12 reps (25lb DBs)
Bent Over DB Laterals- 2 sets of 12 reps (20lb DBs)
DB Shrugs- 1 set of 15 reps (60)
Cable Pullovers- 2 sets 15 reps (60lbs)

15 min

I feel really good today, i noticed that when i pose on days i dont do looks i have a more productive posing session, i will change some things around so i will be skipping posing on leg days. I also have to kick this up a notch....My training has been more of rehad/getting my body accustom to heavier weights again....I am 2 close to leave any in the tank...however i must be smart about this upcoming week i will be destroying it!

14 days away.....LETS DO THIS!